Mobile networks

Mobile networks are increasingly being used for data communications and as such become a key consideration for IT managers. As smartphones become a vital business tool, the strategies of key players such as Vodafone, O2, Orange, T-Mobile and Three have ever greater relevance for IT strategy. As the mobile world starts to move from 3G and HSDPA networks to 4G and LTE, we look at the implications and opportunities for enterprise IT strategy.

  • E-Zine 12 Nov 2020

    CW Benelux: Dutch Alzheimer’s app helps dementia patients

    An app aimed at helping dementia patients and their families has been developed by the Alzheimer Society in the Netherlands. Also in this issue, read about a Belgian startup's app based on blockchain technology to help container handling at ports, and why Rabobank ditched its legacy backup. Continue Reading

  • E-Zine 11 Jun 2020

    CW Europe: 5G rush in Russia

    Russian mobile operators are pooling their resources to help them overcome the technical challenges of creating 5G networks. Also read why Swedbank is rebuilding its anti-money laundering systems, and how a public-private partnership in the Netherlands is combating business email compromise fraud. Continue Reading

Data Center
Data Management