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Labour’s 10-year health service plan will open up data sharing

Labour’s 10-year health service plan will open up data sharing

To save the health service, Labour is focusing on bolstering the NHS app and enabling greater sharing of patient records in England

Former Post Office IT boss alleged to have misrepresented alternative to in-house build

IT boss alleged to have misrepresented off-the-shelf software

Internal Post Office document reveals allegations that former transformation boss misrepresented off-the-shelf option to replace Horizon

Snapdragon Summit 2024: PC, mobile reach AI first inflection point

Snapdragon Summit: PC, mobile reach AI first inflection point

Annual conference of leading mobile technology platform sees launch of processors, and mission to set the pace of innovation in PC, mobile, automotive and spatial computing

Vote: Who should be the 2024 Most Influential Woman in UK Tech?

Vote: Who should be the 2024 Most Influential Woman in UK Tech?

Each year, we ask our audience who should be named the most influential woman in UK technology. Tell us what you think – the deadline for voting is 18 October

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