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CMA cloud licensing: Microsoft accuses Google and AWS of ‘muddying’ anti-trust debate

Microsoft accuses Google and AWS of ‘muddying’ CMA probe

Microsoft's response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s investigation into its cloud licensing practices sees it hit out at cloud rivals for claiming its tactics are anti-competitive

Vince Cable says the Post Office ‘lied’ to the government over Horizon issues

Vince Cable says the Post Office ‘lied’ to the government

In the latest Post Office scandal public inquiry hearings, Vince Cable and Greg Clark reflected on their time as the minister heading the department responsible for the Post Office

Ban predictive policing and facial recognition, says civil society

Ban predictive policing and facial recognition says civil society

A coalition of civil society groups is calling for an outright ban on predictive policing and biometric surveillance in the UK

OECD: Demand soars for future-proof fixed, mobile broadband access

OECD: Demand soars for future-proof fixed, mobile broadband

Research from global policy forum finds broadband technologies such as fibre and 5G mobile networks that help “future-proof” networks

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  • IT Sustainability Think Tank: Sustainable innovation at the level of the datacentre

    Think Tank: Sustainable innovation at the level of the datacentre

    The hype around AI is increasingly being matched with discussions about how the technology's adoption will affect the environment, so what can IT leaders do to ensure they keep the companies they work for on the forefront of innovation, without ...

  • Cyber crisis? How good PR can save your brand

    Cyber crisis? How good PR can save your brand

    Cyber attacks and data breaches can happen to anybody and often bring reputational damage and a loss of customer trust. How organisations publicly respond to such incidents can make or break them, and the importance of a good PR strategy cannot be ...

  • Cloud security challenges not just technological

    Cloud security challenges not just technological

    The Computer Weekly Security Think Tank considers how CISOs and security practitioners should ensure that the business can make use of public cloud services safely and securely and avoid accidental or deliberate data leakage.

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