AI: Black boxes and the boardroom
Computers can and do make mistakes and AI is only as good its training so relying purely on machine intelligence to make critical decisions is risky Continue Reading
Why your marketing team needs help from IT more than ever
Some IT and marketing departments have a troubled history of working together, but better collaboration is essential to make a success of digital transformation Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Outsource security operations, not control
What critical security controls can be outsourced and how do organisations, SMEs in particular, maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Outsource responsibility, not accountability
What critical security controls can be outsourced and how do organisations, SMEs in particular, maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Almost all security can be outsourced, but not the risk
What critical security controls can be outsourced and how do organisations, SMEs in particular, maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Risk tolerance key to security outsourcing policy
What critical security controls can be outsourced, and how do organisations – SMEs in particular – maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Software development is not the only place where DevOps-style optimisation might be useful
Too much of IT focuses on the importance what is measured, rather than measuring what's important Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Top things to consider in security outsourcing
What critical security controls can be outsourced, and how do organisations – SMEs in particular – maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: A risk-based approach to security outsourcing
What critical security controls can be outsourced and how do organisations, SMEs in particular, maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Not all security service providers are created equal
What critical security controls can be outsourced, and how do organisations, SMEs in particular, maintain confidence that they are being managed effectively and appropriately? Continue Reading
Smart cities face challenges and opportunities
IHS Markit analysts Noman Akhtar and Kevin Hasley assess the way forward for smart city technology projects around the world Continue Reading
Beyond GDPR: ePrivacy could have an even greater impact on mobile
From how we monitor air pollution and manage our public transport systems, to how we enable connected cars and the next generation of 5G mobile services, the forthcoming ePR could have a lasting impact on European society Continue Reading
Intellectual property in an AI world
The controversial European Copyright Directive has gone back to the drawing board, but it raises important questions about the use of artificial intelligence in protecting individual rights Continue Reading
What the ICO's Facebook fine teaches us
Legal expert Alexander Egerton considers whether the ICO’s planned £500,000 fine for Facebook is the precursor of a spate of increased fines across the board, or if it shows the ICO’s stance has not changed and will continue to target certain ... Continue Reading
Cyber security: A work in progress
Piers Wilson, director of the Institute of Information Security Professionals, reflects on the findings of the latest IISP industry survey and suggests there is still more work to do Continue Reading
Why #techmatters – the challenge for everyone in the UK tech community
The UK technology sector faces unprecedented challenges – and opportunities – but we must never lose sight of the fact that it exists to make people’s lives better Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: A good password policy alone is not enough
In light of the fact that complex passwords are not as strong as most people think and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Cracking the code – what makes a good password?
In light of the fact complex passwords are not as strong as most people think, and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Mind your drone business
Amazon is just the tip of the iceberg – companies are pouring hundreds of millions into the development of commercial drones Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Some basic password guidelines
In light of the fact that complex passwords are not as strong as most people think and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Passwords alone are not good enough
In the light of the fact that complex passwords are not as strong as most people think, and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Firms need to support good password practices
In the light of the fact that complex passwords are not as strong as most people think and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: How to create good passwords and add security layers
In light of the fact complex passwords are not as strong as most people think and most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password - and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Complex passwords provide a false sense of security
In the light of the fact that complex passwords are not as strong as most people think, and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Use pass phrases and 2FA to beef up access control
In light of the fact complex passwords are not as strong as most people think, and that most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password – and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Put more layers around passwords to up security
In light of the fact that complex passwords are not as strong as most people think and most password strategies inevitably lead to people following them blindly, what actually makes a good password and when is a password alone not enough? Continue Reading
The desire for perfect recycling is making the e-waste problem worse
Shipping our electronic waste to poorer countries isn't going to solve the problem of recycling – there's a more economic solution Continue Reading
Cyber security – why you’re doing it all wrong
Most organisations can list the IT security tools and controls they have, so why do most of them still get the security basics wrong? Continue Reading
Digital transformation is just business change
Don't always start with the technology if you're driving transformation, but always start with the business Continue Reading
Bridging the gender pay gap in the technology industry
Publication of gender pay gap figures for large organisations shows the tech sector has a long way to go to back up its rhetoric about equal opportunities Continue Reading
Why software giants are failing
Oracle’s latest financial results illustrate that the core businesses of many of the software behemoths of the past are under strain Continue Reading
Technology can help solve some of society’s pressing social and environmental problems
A recent initiative on using technology to tackle the illegal wildlife trade shows how much the tech sector can contribute to solving some of society's biggest challenges Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: GDPR requires unprecedented view of data flows
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Is 5G more than just another generation of mobile?
Although several mobile network operators have announced launch dates for 5G services, many people remain unsure about the aspirations for 5G, what it means for users, its monetisation and its timescales Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Focus on data protection, but do not rely on DLP alone
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest – and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Understand data for risk-based protection
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it is shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Ignorance about data is tantamount to negligence
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Big data skills shortages – and how to work around them
Businesses are finding it hard to recruit enough people with big data and analytics skills, but for CIOs there are alternative strategies to consider Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Use data flow information to protect systems
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
GDPR – like a lot of regulation – will mostly benefit the big incumbents
The law of unintended consequences applies to the new EU data protection laws, because the big players it seeks to regulate can better afford to comply Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Data governance is essential to data security
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest – and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Data controllers are essential in modern business environment
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Data governance is good for business and security
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Information management means better security
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest – and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
Tier 2 visas – a challenge for the tech sector
With staff shortages already being reported in the technology sector and Brexit potentially adding to the problem, tech departments need to get their Tier 2 visa applications right Continue Reading
GDPR may not be perfect, but it’s an important milestone in data protection
It's GDPR day, and TechUK's CEO Julian David writes about what is an important milestone in data protection in the digital world Continue Reading
Ethics and tech – a double-edged sword
Just because a business activity is legal doesn’t mean it will be acceptable to customers, as the ethical debates in tech are proving Continue Reading
Taking the quantum leap: What is quantum technology for business?
Quantum computers are many years away, but the first applications of quantum technology will arrive in only one or two years – so businesses need to be ready Continue Reading
Beware of the digital bandwagon
The rush to become ‘digital by default’ could drive costs up and have a damaging effect on understanding customer demand, writes John Seddon Continue Reading
A strong UK-India bond on tech can benefit us all
The UK tech sector can benefit from the government’s work to forge closer ties with India’s burgeoning digital economy Continue Reading
It’s not too late to get GDPR ready
With the GDPR compliance deadline on 25 May 2018, there is little time to get ready, but it is not too late, according to the IAPP, which provides a checklist to help organisations ensure they are in the best position possible for the deadline Continue Reading
Building a tech future between the UK and India
A new tech partnership between the UK and India will benefit the digital economy in both countries, says secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport Matt Hancock Continue Reading
Hacking the internet of things just got easier – it’s time to look at your security
Are you taking security for internet-connected devices seriously enough? Continue Reading
If we're measuring GDP wrong in a digital world, what does that say about the economy?
Conventional measures of economic success such as GDP fail to account for the nature of free digital services. How different would the UK economy appear if that changed? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Five tips for killing the campers on your network
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
If 5G is the answer, what is the question?
5G mobile networks are not the be-all and end-all when it comes to delivering consistent nationwide connectivity, says network standards expert William Webb Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: More time equals more opportunity for cyber attackers
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Prevention and detection are key to limit dwell time
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Containment should be top priority in cyber breaches
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important, and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
Outsourcing is not dead or dying – it just needs to be done properly
The collapse of Carillion and the profit warning at Capita have created a false sense of fear about the stability of the outsourcing sector Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Reducing cyber attacker dwell time is critical
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important, and how should it be tackled? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Reducing dwell has never been more important
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important, and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: GDPR compliance one good reason to cut attacker dwell time
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important, and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
GDPR and the right to erasure: hiding in the shadows or welcome shade?
The European Union's new data protection laws introduce a right to be forgotten – but what does it means for corporate IT? Continue Reading
After the TSB debacle, is it time for IT people to run retail banking?
Given that high-street banks are effectively little more than a computer system processing algorithms, would they be better off run by tech experts than bankers? Continue Reading
Can Huawei untangle the AI mess?
Huawei is building a digital platform with “device-cloud synergy” to support artificial intelligence applications, but enterprises should be wary of being locked into a single AI stack Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Reduce attacker dwell time with defence in depth
Why is reducing cyber attacker dwell time important and how should this be tackled? Continue Reading
How a new ISO standard helps you take control of your IT assets
The updated ISO standard 19770-1:2017 offers IT managers a way to bring their hardware and software assets under a single management standard Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Use good practice to address cryptojacking risk
How can organisations best defend against cryptojacking? Continue Reading
Blockchain: Paving the way for broad adoption
The foundations have been laid for organisations to begin standardising on the technology, talent and platforms that will drive future blockchain initiatives Continue Reading
Protecting your intellectual property in a digital world
Your business is creating innovative computer code, slick user interfaces, and is using digital technology to solve new problems. How do you protect your investment? Continue Reading
Moving away from analogue health in a digital world
Healthcare records still rely on faxes, email, mail and paper, but the innovative use of technology will lead to major improvements in medical care Continue Reading
Lauri Love escaped extradition to the US - what does that mean for future cases?
The US lost its attempt to extradite Lauri Love to face hacking charges in a landmark case. What will it mean for other UK citizens facing extradition? Continue Reading
The seven levers of digital transformation
Organisations that embark on digital transformation projects often run into difficulties. Following the seven principles of digital transformation will help them reap the benefits of digital technology Continue Reading
Driving digitisation: open standards in process automation
Organisations often can’t take advantage of advances in digital technology due to the lack of interoperability in their IT systems in different facilities, but open standards promise a way forward Continue Reading
Who do you trust to censor social media?
Calls to censor Facebook and its rivals are growing – but society needs to consider carefully the motivations of those making such demands Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Cryptojacking can be costly
How can organisations best defend against cryptojacking? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Six tips for securing your organisation against cryptojacking
How can organisations best defend against cryptojacking? Continue Reading
IoT security cannot be an afterthought: it must be the foundation of design
As technologies for the internet of things mature, developers need to make security by design a fundamental part of their products Continue Reading
Why businesses must think like criminals to protect their data
Cyber criminals use three main methods of operation to steal commercial data. Understanding their mindset can help organisations put the right defences in place Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Deal with cryptojacking to avoid security vulnerability
How can organisations best defend against cryptojacking? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: User vigilance key to cryptojacking defence
How can organisations best defend against cryptojacking? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Use awareness, education and controls to halt cryptojacking
How can organisations best defend against cryptojacking? Continue Reading
How the IT sector can help plug the cyber security skills gap
Businesses have a role to play in plugging the cyber security skills gap by engaging with future talent at a young age, providing more role models for under-represented groups, communicating the nature of the threat, and changing their approach to ... Continue Reading
SAP licensing – reassuringly expensive?
SAP’s recent settlement with AB InBev has again put audits and licensing under the spotlight. We look at how to get the best value and avoid fines Continue Reading
Better public services – a Beveridge for the 21st century
A new 'manifesto' from digital government experts lays out a path to delivering the internet-enabled state that's been promised for years but is yet to become a reality Continue Reading
SD-WAN needs software-defined security
Digital transformation is driving organisations to move to the cloud, which requires a new architecture that embraces cloud technology, but that in turn requires a new way of thinking about network security to ensure data is protected Continue Reading
Australian firms need to move faster in the digital age
Just over a tenth of IT professionals in Australia say their companies can roll out a new product in less than three months, despite operating in fast-moving markets with digitally savvy customers Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Fileless malware not totally undetectable
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Awareness is a good starting point to counter fileless malware
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
How to make the most of your SAP licences
There is no point in paying for something you never use – or worse, using the wrong licence. Doing the bare minimum for SAP licence management is not enough Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Patch, scan and lock down to counter fileless malware
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Human, procedural and technical response to fileless malware
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Use layered security and patch management to defeat fileless malware
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Multi-layered security key to fileless malware defence
What should organisations do, at the very least, to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Diversity matters – International Women’s Day 2018
The tech sector has a poor reputation for workplace diversity - if we are to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital economy, this has to change Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Aim to detect and contain fileless malware attacks quickly
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Social engineering at the heart of fileless malware attacks
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: How to tackle fileless malware attacks
What should organisations do at the very least to ensure business computers are protected from fileless malware? Continue Reading
Apprenticeship reforms are driving tech sector skills success
Apprenticeships and skills minister Anne Milton says apprenticeships are a great way to make sure the tech industry has the skills it needs Continue Reading