Boosting the UK’s digital infrastructure so it is fit for the future
Extending full-fibre broadband and mobile network coverage are critical issues for a healthy UK economy – and a new prime minister must continue progress Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Engage business to address commercial risk
What strategies can infosec pros use to shift focus from GDPR fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Translating GDPR compliance into business benefits
What strategies can information security professionals use to shift focus from General Data Protection Regulation fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Aligning data privacy with business objectives
What strategies can infosec pros use to shift focus from GDPR fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Don’t dismiss the business benefits of GDPR
What strategies can infosec pros use to shift focus from GDPR fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Align compliance objectives with business goals
What strategies can information security professionals use to shift focus from GDPR fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
AI may be a solution to the social care crisis, but what are the legal concerns?
Artificial intelligence and robotics has great potential to assist in social care environments, but due care must be given to data protection and privacy, among other legal concerns Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Changing the GDPR focus to business benefit
What strategies can information security professionals use to shift focus from General Data Protection Regulation fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Britain’s 5G roll-out – What is plan B?
The government has ambitious aspirations in respect of Britain’s full-fibre and 5G networks. But among all the Brexit fog, has it managed to shoot itself in the foot with the roll-out of 5G mobile? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Benefits of GDPR compliance
What strategies can information security professionals use to shift focus from General Data Protection Regulation fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Embrace data protection as a necessary business process
What strategies can information security professionals use to shift focus from GDPR fines to enabling business gains and success, changing the way data is used, and aligning data privacy with business purpose? Continue Reading
Why Facebook’s Libra digital currency could run rings round the regulators
Facebook’s cryptocurrency isn’t really a cryptocurrency, nor is it really a money transfer network, but it’s been formulated in such a way that regulators might not be able to do anything to stop it Continue Reading
Will artificial intelligence be a recruiter’s new best friend?
AI and machine learning are being introduced into corporate recruitment to save time and money, but employers need to understand the legal risks Continue Reading
Opening a path into a tech career for anyone
The technology sector needs new talent and must get better at appealing to people at all stages of their life and career Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Business needs to see infosec pros as trusted advisers
How can security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Top infosec task is getting on board agenda
How can security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
Building a cyber-physical immune system
Shantanu Rane, researcher in cyber-physical systems security at the Palo Alto Research Center, explains how our own immune systems can inspire the design of modern cyber-physical systems Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Infosec needs to avoid FUD and keep it real
How can security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
SAP Document Licensing for Indirect Access: The risks that still won't go away
SAP introduced a new licensing scheme last year to reflect indirect access to its system from third-party systems based on document licensing Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Security risk ratings key to security/business understanding
How can security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Focus on business impact and likelihood of cyber attacks
How can cyber security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
Gender diversity is failing in tech: how can we turn it around?
Todays technology organisations need innovative thinking, communication, relationship building, influencing and listening – skills that a lot of women possess in abundance. Yet employers frequently advertise jobs in ways that unwittingly deter ... Continue Reading
Why the rise of IT managed by the business is driving creative thinking
Organisations that encourage business units to implement and run their own IT systems have an edge over competitors that rely entirely on the IT department, research from Harvey Nash and KPMG reveals Continue Reading
Should tech companies capitalise R&D spending?
Technology companies frequently ask whether they should capitalise their research and development costs. There are clear benefits, increasing reported profit and hence potential valuations, but what are the risks? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Frame cyber security impacts in business contexts
How can security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Infosec letter to the board
How can security professionals communicate effectively with the board and senior business leaders – what works and what doesn’t? Continue Reading
How to avoid AI myopia
Artificial intelligence holds much promise and is generating a lot of excitement, but it can have unintended consequences. Technologists need to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past Continue Reading
The UK must play a leading role in global collaboration on digital policy and ethics
All countries must work together to ensure digital technologies such as AI are ethical and trustworthy – and the UK has an opportunity to be a global leader Continue Reading
Is GDPR worth the cost?
Regulations have costs, which are meant to be recouped by the expected benefits. But who decides whether this is a good deal? Ultimately, it’s you Continue Reading
Collaboration between local public services and industry is key to innovation
The launch of the new London Office for Technology and Innovation is an opportunity to examine how industry and government can work together better to improve local innovation Continue Reading
Joining the dots to deliver effective cyber security
In too many organisations, cyber security is dislocated and siloed. Security chiefs need to take a more joined-up approach, but that is likely to mean a rethink of how the security team operates Continue Reading
Does NHS Digital’s Internet First policy mean the end of HSCN?
Last week, NHS Digital issued new policy guidance on internet usage that, at first glance, appeared to herald the end of HSCN – but is that really the case? Continue Reading
Making threat intelligence greater than the sum of its parts
Organisations can become more secure if they join up their varied sources of intelligence about business threats, and avoid losing valuable information within individual silos Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Effective IT segregation must involve the business
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
What the UK can learn from the Nordics when it comes to digital ID
The UK and other countries can learn from the Nordic region when it comes to digital identity Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: In-app segregation more intelligent and permissive
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: IT asset separation is a risk-based decision
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Challenges of segregation
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Are there any positives from the first year of GDPR?
A year has passed since the new EU data protection law came into force. What have we learned in that time that can help organisations deliver benefits from the regulation? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Proper segregation is more important than ever
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Understanding tech is key to effective data segregation
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: How to realise the benefits of security zoning
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Benefits and challenges of security segmentation
What are the security benefits and challenges of segregating IT environments, and how best are these challenges overcome? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Surviving the existential cyber punch, part 3
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
Does the UK government want to support tech SMEs in 'Global Britain' or not?
The reluctance of the government to commit to continued support for UK tech SMEs overseas is baffling Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Surviving the existential cyber punch part 2
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
What is the right goal for digital inclusion?
Most tech observers agree that digital inclusion is important, but the digitally excluded can have quite different views on what they want Continue Reading
Tech helps tackle trafficking and modern slavery, but industry needs a culture shift to eradicate it
Technology can help end the scourge of modern slavery, but the sector can do more and needs a change in thinking to take a lead Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Surviving the existential cyber punch
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Seven steps to manage risk of catastrophic cyber attack
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Cyber attack survival not a matter of luck
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Aim for integrated resilience, continuity and recovery
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Incident response vital to guard against catastrophic cyber attack
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
Why cyber security needs to be prioritised at board level
Despite the rising number of headline-grabbing security breaches, many company executives are still not prioritising cyber security in the boardroom Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: BC/DR plan key to cyber attack survival
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
The dominance of big tech might not always be such a bad thing
Governments increasingly talk about regulating big tech to preserve competition, but an alternative view says that big tech only exists because there is already sufficient competition in the market Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: How to reduce the impact of a potential cyber extinction event
How should businesses plan to survive a potential cyber attack extinction event? Continue Reading
What Belarus offers the tech sector
Belarus might not be as well known for its IT as some of its neighbours, but it is pushing its head above the parapet Continue Reading
5G’s first five years: A look ahead
With 5G mobile networks edging closer to reality, GSMA Intelligence’s Matthew Iji looks ahead to consider how the technology will be adopted between now and 2024 Continue Reading
Goliath vs Goliath and the complexities of 5G intellectual property
Is Apple the good guy or the bad guy? It has violated patents and had its wrist slapped by the courts (bad), yet its products are still available for adoring fans to buy (good) Continue Reading
Mind the Brexit gap in cyber security
Leaving the EU could mean a new cyber security regime for the UK – firms need to understand how the changes might affect them Continue Reading
Should we be worried that half of UK organisations don’t have a policy for the safe use of AI?
As artificial intelligence becomes more mainstream, business leaders must be aware of the risks and make sure their firms do not build bias into AI algorithms Continue Reading
Audit services – the next frontier for tech giants?
As data analytics, AI and automation technology advance, could we be about to see technology firms take on some of the responsibilities of the big financial audit firms? Continue Reading
What are the options for regulating internet companies?
The UK – and other countries – are likely to introduce new regulations for internet and tech companies like Facebook and Google. We consider what sort of rules they might introduce Continue Reading
Getting it right this time: Why the strategy is not about delivery for NHSX
Government needs to move on from the mantras and beliefs that exist around digital and technology – the new NHSX organisation could set an example by transforming healthcare Continue Reading
Growing board focus on cyber risk challenges current thinking
As digital transformation continues to drive change in the business and risk landscape, business and cyber security leaders need to improve discussions around this topic Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Map your own important risk metrics
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Financial loss as a key security risk indicator
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: No one key risk indicator is generic across all businesses
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Is it true you can't manage what you don't measure?
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Key considerations for determining cyber risk
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Five elements of a key cyber risk indicator
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Aim for business intelligence-driven system of risk indicators
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Invest in proactive approach to security and digital risk
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Cyber metrics need to be meaningful
What should be the key cyber security risk indicator for any business? Continue Reading
Wearable technology in the workplace and data protection law
Wearable technology is slowly creeping into the workplace to monitor staff performance and health, but do employers understand the legal implications? We assess the data protection implications Continue Reading
Improving public/private collaboration to boost digital government
TechUK and the civil service are working together on a programme to develop digital skills in Whitehall and a better understanding of government needs in the tech industry Continue Reading
Why rugged mobile devices can be important in digital transformation
Highly durable mobile devices should not be only considered for especially challenging work environments - there are considerations for many businesses Continue Reading
The winter of AI discontent – thoughts on trends in tech ethics
All organisations need to consider the ethics of their technology use, especially as artificial intelligence tools become more mainstream Continue Reading
Breaking the chains: How FUD is holding the cyber sector hostage
The cyber security industry must move past fear tactics and get back to the basics of good cyber security practice Continue Reading
Making the move to cloud work for you
Getting the best out of a move to the cloud means getting the size right, turning off what you don’t need, smart purchasing and continuously decluttering your new environment Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: UTM a key part of a well-rounded security strategy
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: No tech will ever counter-balance poorly implemented processes
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Know strengths and weaknesses of UTM systems
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Approach UTM with caution
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: UTM attractive to SMEs, but beware potential pitfalls
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Focus UTM capabilities on security and business needs
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
New audiovisual connections enhance the learning experience
Being open and inclusive to individual sensory needs as well as diverse technology choices means adopting a flexible approach to AV infrastructure Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Many routes to UTM to boost security capabilities
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Arguments for and against unified threat management
How can organisations best use unified threat management tools to help stem the tide of data breaches? Continue Reading
Building Britain’s national digital twin
The tech sector and wider industry are coming together to create a “digital twin” of Britain to help improve the nation’s physical infrastructure – and you can help Continue Reading
How to accelerate digital identity in the UK
Trusted online relationships are essential to the digital economy, but the UK is lagging behind. What needs to be done? Continue Reading
Audiovisual systems need more efficient integration and management
The spread of audiovisual systems for communication and collaboration needs to be supported in a similar manner to corporate IT, not facilities management Continue Reading
Brexit and data protection: What’s next?
PA Consulting assesses how a no-deal Brexit would affect the flow of data from the UK into and out of Europe Continue Reading
How to prepare for the UK’s uncertain Brexit terms
Analyst firm Gartner looks at the main business continuity plans that need to be in place Continue Reading
Will AI replace lawyers? Assessing the potential of artificial intelligence in legal services
You may not be surprised to learn that lawyers don't expect AI to replace them, but the potential for the technology in law and other professional services must not be underestimated Continue Reading
Leading IT: Lessons from the front line
As a CIO, whatever challenges you face in terms of budget, mandates or timetable, you may already have the right people to carry out incredible IT feats. Here are four ways to lead your organisation to unprecedented success Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Cloud tech helps to protect advanced networks
How can organisations combine software-defined networking, containerisation and encryption to prevent rogue code from running freely across a corporate network? Continue Reading
Facebook’s high-stakes privacy gamble goes to Dublin court
A high-wire gamble with billions in compensation at stake for European internet users – part of a complex case between Facebook and the Irish information commissioner – hides challenge to the unlawfulness of US state internet surveillance Continue Reading
Security Think Tank: Walk before you run
How can organisations combine software-defined networking, containerisation and encryption to prevent rogue code from running freely across a corporate network? Continue Reading