
Identity and access management products

  • March 08, 2023 08 Mar'23

    UK government introduces revised data reform bill to Parliament

    Designed in close collaboration with technology businesses, the UK government is re-introducing an updated version of its Data Protection and Digital Information Bill to Parliament, which civil society groups say upends key safeguards

  • March 08, 2023 08 Mar'23

    How ForgeRock is tackling identity management

    ForgeRock CEO Fran Rosch has set the identity and access management software supplier on a path to deliver a frictionless identity experience without compromising security or privacy

  • March 07, 2023 07 Mar'23

    Nine in 10 enterprises fell victim to successful phishing in 2022

    Egress annual email security risk report breaks down impacts of email-based phishing attacks and data loss, and the effect these can have on organisations in terms of staff retention and morale

  • March 07, 2023 07 Mar'23

    Dutch hospitals underestimate impact of cyber attack

    IT failures in acute care organisations in the Netherlands have increased considerably since 2010, affecting patient care and stressing the need to improve IT security in hospitals

  • March 02, 2023 02 Mar'23

    Uber introduces dynamic pricing algorithm in London

    The dynamic pricing algorithm will allow Uber to set variable pay and pricing levels, but drivers are concerned about how their personal data will be used and the impact the algorithm will have on their livelihoods

  • March 02, 2023 02 Mar'23

    WH Smith staff data accessed in cyber attack

    The retailer has said that customer data has not been affected by the incident as it is held in different systems, and that investigations into the attack are ongoing

Data Center
Data Management