Fintech professional’s tech predictions: 9- Gamers monitored by businesses and authorities

Here is the ninth in a series of tech prediction for the next five years from a fintech contact of mine.

Previous blog posts in this series predicted: that tech firms will soon need government certificates if producing news content, some of the cyber security risks associated with smart energy meters, the risks associated with sharing data, how social media will fall under increasing government regulation, how the public will build a better understanding of privacy settings on websites, that banks will increasingly become the suppliers of banking services to the big websites, that young people might increasingly disconnect from the connected world due to privacy fears, and how organisations might be forced to reduce the amount of unnecessary information customers have to give online.

This entry looks at how authorities and businesses might use online game platforms to monitor gamers.

Fintech IT professional says: “Online gaming data will continue to be used to monitor users and profile their characters. What kind of games do they play, how good are they and how long do they spend doing it? Governments will build databases linking gaming behaviour to attributes such as social behaviour, intelligence, beliefs, aspirations and other traits throughout players’ lives. Flags may be triggered to alert authorities to specific risks or talents. Games may even be designed specifically to seek and identify particular character traits and alert businesses or authorities to these people. If you need to find the best noughts and crosses player in the country, why not put the game online and see who wins…or perhaps a flight simulator or a war game.”


Read part 1 here.

Read part 2 here.

Read part 3 here.

Read part 4 here.

Read part 5 here.

Read part 6 here.

Read part 7 here.

Read part 8  here.

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