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The expert team at Freeform Dynamics offer news and views on the latest hot topics, and pragmatic advice based on real-world experience and meaningful research studies.

Recent Posts

  • Generative AI tooling: Is the user the weakest link?

    Dale Vile - Freeform Dynamics 18 Jul 2024
  • One of the challenges I've had with generative AI is figuring out where the real value lies, particularly in relation to tools used directly by end users. This isn't me questioning the value of ...

  • IT Sustainability: Passive vs Active Gains

    Dale Vile - Freeform Dynamics 16 Jul 2024
  • In the 20 odd years that I’ve been following developments in ‘Green IT’, the industry narrative hasn’t changed that much. Once you establish that the Earth is hotting up and becoming more polluted, ...

  • The convergence of OT and IT

    Tony Lock - Freeform Dynamics 11 Jul 2024
  • Having worked in both operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) environments for years, I've observed the lines between these worlds becoming increasingly blurred. It's a trend ...

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