FDM everywoman in technology awards 2016 winners


FDM everywoman in technology one to watch award 2016

Source:  Photo by Steve Dunlop

The 2016 everywoman in technology one to watch award was sponsored by EMC, and had two winners: Yasmin Bay and Nayana Dasgupta, pictured with everywoman co-founders Maxine Benson and Karen Gill.

Yasmin Bay is a 14-year-old from Essex, and has previously received a ‘Highly Commended’ award in the national Astro Pi coding competition. Bay has also spoken at the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge University.

Nayana Dasgupta from Sheffield is in year 11 and has always been recognised for having excellent technology skills. Dasgupta is always trying to ensure other girls her age are aware of career possibilities in the computer science field.

The awards, sponsored in 2016 by FDM, are designed to showcase many of the great women working in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) careers.  

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