Green Tech

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  • How open source supply chain technology collaboration can help fight climate change

    - Community Member 30 Jun 2022
  • In this guest post, Justin Griffith, CTO of supply chain software company StayLinked illustrates how open source technologies can be both environmentally friendly and profitable Open source ...

  • Lean business. Green tech. Keen leaders.

    - Community Member 23 Jun 2022
  • In this guest post, James Petter, vice president and general manager international at storage hardware suppler Pure Storage sets out what tech hardware manufacturers should be doing to green up ...

  • Tackling greenwashing with cloud technology

    - Community Member 21 Jun 2022
  • In this guest post, Justin Keeble, managing director for global sustainability at public cloud giant Google Cloud, sets out why - in the current technology landscape - companies should not be ...

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