Cliff Saran's Enterprise blog

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  • Self regulation of AI is not an option

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 25 Nov 2021
  • Earlier this week the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee took evidence from two experts, who were asked to share their thoughts on regulating artificial intelligence (AI). Among ...

  • When is it time to log off?

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 18 Nov 2021
  • In an article for The Guardian newspaper, Ana Catarina Mendes, the parliamentary leader of the Portuguese Socialist party, discussed the “the right to switch off”. As a result of the campaign run ...

  • CIOs: Time to drop the efficiency conversation

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 10 Nov 2021
  • At this time of year CIOs are often looking ahead to the new year to plan the IT projects they want to complete during 2022. According to Harvey Nash's Digital leadership report, company boards ...

  • Moore's Law is anti-sustainability

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 03 Nov 2021
  • The tech sector is laser-focused on driving upgrades. For decades the sector has rewarded shareholders with high growth, thanks to the prophecy that every 18 months to two years, computing doubles ...

  • COP26: IT's role in tackling climate change

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 25 Oct 2021
  • Far from being a clean sector, IT is an immense consumer of natural resources and electricity. The majority of the world’s semiconductors are manufactured in Taiwanese fabrication plants (fabs), ...

  • What is the real role of Windows 11?

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 29 Sep 2021
  • In the context of Windows 11, the question is not necessarily whether it is better or worse than Windows 10 or whether it is worth upgrading. It’s about how useful it is. “What is the role of a ...

  • Please protect us from our own stupidity

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 22 Sep 2021
  • It seems like the simplest thing. Compose an email message and then CC colleagues. But,due to a Ministry of Defence blunder,  this simple action, built into pretty much every piece of email client ...

  • Law enforcement: Question the tech sector's motives

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 08 Sep 2021
  • Perhaps there are application areas where law enforcement technology should not be used, one of the witnesses at a recent Justice and Home Affairs Committee meeting warned. Experts from the US, New ...

  • Windows 11: A booster jab for the PC industry?

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 01 Sep 2021
  • Looking cynically at the fact that Windows 11 will be available as a free upgrade from October 5, the timing of the new operating system release coincides with the need for the PC industry to ...

  • The logic of software defined

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 03 Aug 2021
  • A recent conversation with Microsoft revealed a number of questions about where desktop IT could be heading. Logically, it makes sense for Microsoft to use the power of its public cloud to stream ...

  • The Workday/Amazon saga raises serious questions on HCM

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 29 Jul 2021
  • It is too early to say definitively why Amazon decided to stop using Workday, but it is a topic worth a closer look. In 2017 Amazon began to deploy Workday Human Capital Management (HCM). Workday ...

  • Moving beyond Freedom Day has IT implications

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 20 Jul 2021
  • Even though the Delta variant continues to rise in the UK, the Government has stuck to its plans to remove Covid-19 restrictions. In effect, it has passed on responsibility for keeping people safe ...

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