Cliff Saran's Enterprise blog

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  • The challenge of open source in the enterprise is not technical

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 10 Jun 2022
  • There is no doubt that open source is the future of software development. But IT leaders trying to instil an open source culture in their organisation may struggle due to business practices ...

  • Proof is in the pasty

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 25 May 2022
  • With the opening of the new Elizabeth Line there was always going to be questions about value for money. At a cost of £25bn, will it deliver value, 13 years after the project to build it began? The ...

  • Hardware longevity should be encouraged

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 19 May 2022
  • Any efforts to improve energy efficiency and cut waste should be applauded. But for every good outcomes, the IT industry seems to take several steps backwards, in its ability to promote energy ...

  • Everyone’s talking about data

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 12 May 2022
  • Data, as the saying goes, is the new oil. If a business loses its applications, it may cause some serious headaches in the IT department, but ultimately, it should be able to recover. Lose the ...

  • What’s Apple ever done for networking?

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 26 Apr 2022
  • IT leaders are facing a perfect storm as everyone ramps up the return to office work. Over the last two years, people have grown accustomed to Zoom, Teams and other unified communications services ...

  • Consumerism in the metaverse

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 13 Apr 2022
  • The Easter break and springtime gives everyone a chance to reflect, looking forward to holidays, spending time with the family and indulging in good food and retail therapy. Traditionally, with ...

  • Quantum computing and the bigger picture

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 07 Apr 2022
  • Every few years IBM brings out a new addition to its Z series mainframe family. From the information accompanying the release of the new enterprise system, IBM appears to be touting the new z16 ...

  • When to deploy AI

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 25 Mar 2022
  • In the world of artificial intelligence, there is a tendency to consider the ultimate goal as creating something that humans can interact with in a natural way. Today, smart speakers like Alexa and ...

  • The global IT community supports the people of Ukraine

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 10 Mar 2022
  • The crisis in Ukraine shines a spotlight on the interconnected global village. IT is a worldwide community of people who want to make a difference. We are all concerned for the safety of relatives, ...

  • How the Raspberry Pi flavours professional IT

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 24 Feb 2022
  • The Raspberry Pi is a decade old. Who would have thought a computer that costs a mere £25, would start a revolution? But it did. The Pi, based on an Arm processor and a bootable SD card, opened up ...

  • The metaverse offers a chance to reassess

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 16 Feb 2022
  • Looking at the artists who pulled their catalogues from Spotify due to the Joe Rogan podcasts, the most powerful voice is the voice of the content creators, rather than legislators or the platform ...

  • Quantum and the art of noise

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 11 Feb 2022
  • Noise, huh, what’s it good for? Absolutely nothin’. Apart from the geniuses trying to further the advancement of noisy intermediate quantum computing (Nisq), noise means errors. Lowering the error ...

  • Idol thoughts

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 01 Feb 2022
  • HP, angry that it had to write down $5 bn on its purchase of Autonomy, has now made a breakthrough in the UK court. The court ruled that HP “substantially succeeded” in its claims against the ...

  • The road less travelled paves the path to stealth disruption

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 27 Jan 2022
  • During the recent Ocado Re:Imagined event, the company’s founder and CEO, Tim Steiner, discussed how stealth disruptors were used to invent something he described as “really radical”. Really ...

  • Why hybrid IT means having a squeezed middle

    Cliff Saran - Managing Editor 13 Jan 2022
  • From a pure sense of logic, cloud computing is the right choice for almost every situation requiring enterprise IT. Hardware can be deployed as and when required, used on-demand and the management ...

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