In 1966 England won the World Cup and Computer Weekly launched the world's first weekly IT newspaper


Keeping government IT in check

Source:  RBI

Keeping government IT in check

On p16, the last page of our first edition, Computer Weekly covered the government's plans for a nationwide network for social security. The article covered an initial contract of £250,000 to connect 84 offices in central London. Computer Weekly has consistently investigated how UK taxpayers' money is being spent on major government IT projects, and why these IT infrastructure projects regularly fail to deliver on expectations. With the current government's austerity measures, IT has the potential to make government less costly. But central government IT has a poor track record.


The first issue of Computer Weekly magazine in 1966 was the start of an era in the UK IT industry – the first ever weekly technology publication. When the final print edition of the magazine comes out on 19 April, it will be the start of another exciting era, where Computer Weekly goes fully digital, reflecting the dramatic changes that the internet has brought to not just our business but those of all our readers.

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