Dynatrace: the modern cloud is an enhanced analytics cloud

People talk a lot about cloud.

These days, we’re seeing the discussion move onwards to talk about so-called modern cloud in the form of modern cloud software application development platforms, modern cloud data services, modern cloud orchestration and integration technologies and modern cloud analytics.

This last point of functionality typifies where software intelligence company Dynatrace is going with its own platform augmentations and enhancements.

The firm has announced enhanced its analytics capabilities for modern multi-cloud and hybrid environments by unifying its AI-powered log monitoring with PurePath, its distributed tracing and code-level analysis technology. 

By leveraging the Dynatrace platform to automatically connect logs and traces, analyse them in real-time… and then assemble the data for AI-powered analytics, data and developer teans can proactively optimise digital services and scale when they need to… or, that’s the promise here, at least.

According to Dynatrace, “Modern cloud environments generate massive amounts of heterogeneous log and trace data, at a volume and velocity that is beyond human capacity to manage. As a result, DevOps and SRE teams are increasingly unable to piece all this information together and analyse it in context to gain insights.”

This clearly makes it more difficult to ensure service reliability across the vast range of containers, microservices, and interrelated components underlying the applications that run the business. 

Open source out-of-the-box

This latest enhancement to the Dynatrace platform is intended to deliver precise, real-time analytics out-of-the-box across logs, metrics, and traces for all major languages and the most prominent web servers, as well as support for the latest open source standards and services. 

Teams quickly gain value and speed by automatically understanding how to optimise increasingly complex and dynamic, cloud environments… and – through a dramatic reduction in alert noise and time wasted chasing false positives.

“Organisations rely on multi-cloud and hybrid architectures to drive digital transformation,” said Steve Tack, SVP of product management at Dynatrace. “To optimise application and infrastructure performance, DevOps and SRE teams must make sense of huge volumes of data.”

Tack says that by unifying log monitoring and PurePath on the Dynatrace platform’s advanced causal AIOps, teams can analyse a broader scope of application and infrastructure events, while keeping all data and sources in context.

Data Center
Data Management