Dynatrace drills root-cause surgery into native mobile app health

Dynatrace used its annual Perform conference to detail the expansion of its digital experience management capabilities.

This includes advanced analytics (and segmentation) of mobile app user sessions, auto-instrumentation for additional mobile platforms and technologies, plus enhancements to its ‘explainable’ AI engine, Davis.

As part of the extra including insights from third-party mobile app components.

With these advances, Dynatrace claims to be able to deliver real-time precise answers about the health, performance and usage of native mobile apps.

This knowledge is hoped to enable organisations to deliver new apps and features (as well as troubleshoot and resolve issues) before user experience and adoption are impacted.

According to recent research, consumers downloaded more than 200 billion mobile apps, and spent over $120 billion on these apps in 2019.

With a growing preference for mobile-first experiences, consumers expect their apps to work perfectly every time, obviously it does… but this in turn increases the pressure on development teams to speed up native mobile app innovation and resolve user-impacting issues quickly.

Root-cause surgery

This (above challenge to get mobile-first right) requires the identification of the precise root-cause and impact of problems wherever they occur, from backend applications and underlying cloud infrastructure and networks, to the mobile app and the device itself.

“The Dynatrace Software Intelligence Platform was designed to enable organizations to optimize user experiences across all of their digital channels, including native mobile apps, websites, and devices,” said Steve Tack, SVP of Product Management at Dynatrace.

Tack says that with his firm’s explainable, AI-based approach, developer shops can go beyond ‘partial monitoring and best guesses’ and discover precise answers that explain exactly what, where, when and why issues impact mobile app user experiences.

New enhancements to Dynatrace Digital Experience Management capabilities for native mobile applications include multi-dimensional analytics, which now includes crash reporting workflow and granular segmentation capabilities.

“These enhancements eliminate blind spots and streamline the error troubleshooting process to identify the precise root-cause and impact of problems wherever they occur, from backend applications and underlying cloud infrastructure and networks, to the mobile app and device,” said Dynatrace’s Tack.


Dynatrace also points to its automated instrumentation and dependency mapping capabilities, which have been extended to mobile frameworks and platforms including React Native and tvOS. These augment existing auto-instrumentation for Android, iOS, Xamarin, Cordova and Ionic – the idea being that DevOps teams can eliminate manual effort and achieve observability (as well as AI-powered answers) for native mobile apps.

Finally here there’s also the company’s AI engine Davis (standing for Dynatrace AI Virtual Intelligence Service) and its ability to process data from third-party mobile apps components, in addition to mobile app crash and error rates, and user performance metrics.


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