Contentstack: MACH’s got your back for great CX-craic

First, we had User eXperience (UX).

Then, although it’s a still-nascent notion that’s not widely discussed, we had Developer eXperience (DX).

Now, largely due to the nature of the web and the always-on world of information, we also have Content eXperience (CX).

Working in this space is Contentstack, an organisation that calls itself a Content Experience Platform (CXP) company.

Contentstack’s trademarked Care Without Compromise programme is offered to so-called Catalysts (partners with complimentary technology) in order to provide joint customers the highest level of post-purchase support. 

Why does any of this matter to developers?

Because we are moving away from monolithic product suites and adopting microservices-based API-first cloud-native SaaS headless (MACH) architectures.

We also know that MACH technology provides a composable architecture with flexibility, agility, scalability and efficiency to create an environment that best meets customers’ needs. 

So, ergo, MACH dovetails with next-gen CX.

One of the challenges of managing a multi-vendor software stack is that businesses must deal with several disparate vendors to address an issue with no clear path to resolution… and that’s bad for CX, so MACH is (argued to be) very much in the mix for better CX.

“Moving to a MACH and composable architecture offers a lot of benefits to companies looking for agility and best of breed choices,” said Peter Fogelsanger, global head of partner at Contentstack.  

“When designing these solutions, enterprise architects and developers want to have confidence that the multi-vendor support they need will also deliver the speed and agility that the architecture does. This programme is about providing assurance to both business and technical teams that the award-winning customer care we provide is coordinated with our Strategic Catalysts,” he added.

Fogelsanger insists that Contentstack’s Care Without Compromise program ensures that joint customers are supported with a robust post-purchase experience that brings ease and agility to the implementation and on-going success of the entire technology stack. 

As co-founders of the MACH Alliance and evangelists of MACH architecture, Contentstack says it is committed to making MACH the best option for digital enterprises by every measure, including customer care and support. 

Contentstack’s Sonja Keerl now takes the helm as MACH Alliance president. 

Forsake, no one-handshake 

“We believe companies deserve better and shouldn’t be held back by monolithic ‘one hand to shake’ vendors,” said Neha Sampat, founder and CEO of Contentstack. 

Contentstack Catalysts who are committed to Care Without Compromise include BigCommerce, Bynder, Cloudinary, Constructor, Gatsby, Smartling, Uniform and Vercel. 

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