Six tips on how to create a clear project plan


Step 6: How to build your communications plan

An important part of your project plan is the communications plan.

TIP: This document should include:

  • Who will need or who wants which reports and how often would they like to receive them. It is also important to make a note of how they would like to receive them, in which format and using which media.
  • Details on when and how issues will be escalated.
  • Where all of the project’s information will be stored and who will be able to access it.
  • What are the new risks that have surfaced and how will these risks be dealt with.
  • To ensure a quality product is built, metrics to ensure its quality needed to be included.
  • What reserves will be used for what uncertainties.

Finally when your project plan is compete you need to deliver its contents to the key stakeholders.

During this communication stage you should consider including the following:

  • An overall review and approval of the project plan.
  • A well thoughtout process for changing any of the contents of the project plan.
  • The plan’s next steps – How you will execute and control the project plan and what the key stakeholder roles/responsibilities will be.

It can take some time to develop a good project plan and the project manager may be tempted to just skip ahead the planning stage and start with the execution.

However, a project manager who takes the time to create a clear project plan will find they will take a more direct route to project success.

In this gallery you will find a six-step approach to creating the perfect project plan. Each slide will take the project manager through how to build a clear roadmap for an IT project.

The next slide will take you back to step one where you can find out how to explain your project plan clearly to stakeholders.

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