When IT Meets Politics
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Why we need to research the cybersecurity needs of Micro-Businesses?
- Winsafe Ltd 12 Jul 2023 -
Envisioning the Global Information Society - The World and Business Computing in 2051
- Winsafe Ltd 04 Jul 2023 -
What AI Global Leadership should the UK offer?
- Winsafe Ltd 10 Jun 2023
Current government policy, from digital inclusion to cyber security is based on allegation, not evidence with regard to the five million microbusinesses and sole traders who account for 30% of the ...
The technologies which will underpin business computing and the global information society in fifty years time are almost certainly already in the laboratories of today. The way they are packaged ...
Brexit gives the UK a unique opportunity to lead on regulatory arbitrage and inter-operability, mixing and matching the best of AI thinking from across geopolitical divides without the need for ...
How do you tackle Data Diarrhoea?
- Winsafe Ltd 28 May 2023 -
Making sense of the UK Cybersecurity Skills market.
- Winsafe Ltd 23 May 2023 -
Meeting the skills needs of the largest Fintech/Cyberhub Outside North America?
- Winsafe Ltd 26 Apr 2023 -
Acquiring the skills necessary to implement the UK Cybersecurity Strategy
- Winsafe Ltd 24 Mar 2023 -
Preventing Crime not meeting Political Targets - A review of the MPS Turnaround Plan
- Winsafe Ltd 20 Mar 2023 -
UK and US Strategies for Public Private co-operation on Cyber
- Winsafe Ltd 03 Mar 2023 -
Ofcom plans to approve BT plans to destroy the case for investment in broadband competition.
- Winsafe Ltd 16 Feb 2023
We now face the most lethal of situations - secure (if properly used) technologies in the hands of insecure people.
There is much talk of cybersecurity skills shortages and there are many initiatives. Most do not relate to the skills you most need to help protect your business, your supply chain and your ...
Financial and Professional Services is the largest employment sector in London but there is no plan to meet their needs. Is this being left to Central London Forward to produce?
The skills plan for meeting the needs of the world greatest Financial Services and Fin Tech Hub outside North America is therefore at heart of the work of the advisory group.
Respond by the end of March if you live or work in London and believe that the primary objective of policing is the prevention of time not the meeting of targets as proxies for delivering political ...
Given support from a critical mass of those employers who are serious about addressing their own skills needs, plus those of their supply chain and customer base, we should be able to use the LSIP ...
Ministers and MPs need to move rapidly to inform Ofcom that it needs to do its job as a competition regulator or be stripped of that role. Otherwise they risk the UK falling further behind the ...
Using the Local Skills Improvement Plans to bring UK Skills Policy into the 21st Century
- Winsafe Ltd 13 Feb 2023 -
When IT Meets Christmas: The Massacre of the Innocents Updated
- Winsafe Ltd 09 Dec 2022 -
Cyber Governors for London’s Schools
- Winsafe Ltd 13 Nov 2022 -
Using schools careers governors to unlock the skills based future
- Winsafe Ltd 13 Nov 2022 -
How much progress have we made in 20 years of Digital Skills policy
- Winsafe Ltd 25 Aug 2022
Most Local Skills Improvement Plans are expected to be agreed and launched in September when UCAS expands to cover Apprenticeships. Given that half those who applied to UCAS last year were ...
But Joseph had installed Anti-Spyware on Mary's phone, after she became pregnant and not by him. So they cashed in their bitcoin, dropped their mobiles down a well and departed for Egypt.
Cyber and STEM employers should help provide, train and support governors to help secure schools, safeguard pupils and organise careers guidance.
Could a small change in English Governing structures within secondary schools unlock the skill-based economy we strive for?
In Spring 2002, after the Post Y2K Dotcom bubble had burst, Gordon Brown announced a new approach to skills akin to that needed today. So why did it not happen? We should never under-estimate the ...