Sumo Logic eyes open source disruption (in 4 of 6 stack levels)

Software is eating the world… and open source software is creating a new set of recipes, chewing it up and sticking it all into a completely different kind of sandwich with a whole new set of condiments and relishes.

Sumo Logic says that there is open source disruption in as many as four of the six key levels of the of the traditional IT stack.

The machine-generated data logs & metrics management company made the statement at its annual Illuminate developer conference held in California this September.

The company states that open source has disrupted the modern application stack – and that: today we see that four of the six tiers that make up the modern application stack have been disrupted by open source – and open source solutions for containers, orchestration, infrastructure and application services are leading this transformation.

The above statement comes from Sumo Logic’s report entitled Continuous Intelligence: The State of Modern Applications and DevSecOps in the Cloud aims to pinpoint the key directions for growth across modern software application stacks.

This is perhaps a good point to stand back and ask what those six levels might be according to the Sumo Logic view of the world.

Six pack stack

  1. DevSecOps management
  2. Application services
  3. Custom application code
  4. Application runtime infrastructure
  5. Database and storage services
  6. Infrastructure, container and orchestration

Staying in open source, the company says that as customers adopt multi-cloud, Kubernetes adoption significantly rises. Enterprises are betting on Kubernetes to drive their multi-cloud strategies.

“Multi-cloud and open source technologies, specifically Kubernetes, are hand-in-hand dramatically reshaping the future of the modern application stack,” said Kalyan Ramanathan, vice president of product marketing for Sumo Logic. “For companies, the increased adoption of services to enable and secure  a multi-cloud strategy are adding more complexity and noise,  which current legacy analytics solutions can’t handle. To address this complexity, companies will need a continuous intelligence strategy that consolidates all of their data into a single pane of glass to close the intelligence gap.”

The logical question we must ask, then, is… how long will it be before open source exerts massive disruption levels every level of the 6-layer stack?

The two areas least affected (as per Sumo Logic’s yardstick at least) are application services and, slightly quirkily, the infrastructure layer… even though this layer is essentially born of open source technologies in the first place, the point is that the disruption factor here is lower.

Data Center
Data Management