If a fintech could be in Jeremy Corbyn’s shoes what would be its demands for Brexit ?

With the current stalemate in parliament and the rapidly approaching date of Brexit, everyone has their view on what should happen next.

News from TechUK, which represents UK tech companies is that UK techs want a people’s vote. It was the most preferred next step for 51% of companies it surveyed. The next most favoured was extending article 50, with 16% opting for this.

The survey found that 70% of IK tech firms think a no deal with have a negative effect on them. Only 70%? I wonder what the other 30% are planning?

I am interested in hearing what fintechs think should be the next move and if they were MPs which avenue would they be most likely to back. Would it be cancel Brexit by revoking Article 50, extending Article 50, a second referendum or a certain type of deal, whether it be Norway, Canada or something else.

With tech investment in London dropping by £700m last year fintechs need a voice and the UK government needs to hear them.

Jeremy Corbyn has a bit of bargaining power at the moment with it clear that the government will need some Labour support. What would you do if you were in his shoes?

Please leave comments in the blog so I can add them to comments I am sourcing directly?

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