IT legislation and regulation
Understanding the law as it applies to IT management can be one of the hardest task for IT leaders, but the growing burden of regulatory compliance makes it essential. Legislation and regulation affects enterprise IT in many ways, not just in long-standing tasks such as contracts and software licensing. We examine the latest legal development and how they affect IT managers, and talk to the experts in IT legislation and regulation to explain what it means to your organisation.
11 Feb 2025
Saudi puts $15bn into AI as experts debate next steps
The kingdom’s Leap 2025 tech show is the backdrop for huge investment, plus debate over the future of artificial intelligence as a productivity tool but which can also potentially undermine human society Continue Reading
By- Antony Adshead, Storage Editor
11 Feb 2025
A two-horse race? Competition concerns cloud AWS and Microsoft
In this week’s Computer Weekly, Microsoft and AWS don’t like it, but the UK competition watchdog says their hold on the cloud market is cause for concern. We talk to AutoTrader’s CEO about how to become a digital business. And we go behind the scenes at Zoom to see how AI will revolutionise the former lockdown success story. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
31 Jul 2018
UK business overestimating level of consumer trust, study shows
UK consumer trust is low, with the majority of UK businesses admitting to selling customer data, a report reveals Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
31 Jul 2018
Comms providers may be forced to notify out-of-contract users
Providers of landline, broadband, TV and mobile services will have to notify their customers when they approach the end of their minimum contract period under proposed new rules Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
31 Jul 2018
Dixons Carphone ups data breach figure to 10 million
Dixons Carphone now believes the number of personal data records affected in 2017’s data breach is nearly 10 times greater than initially thought Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
31 Jul 2018
Briton ran pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign that helped Trump deny Russian links
A British IT manager and former hacker from Darlington ran a disinformation campaign that duped former US intelligence agents and provided Donald Trump with manufactured “evidence” to deny that Russia interfered with the US election Continue Reading
By- Duncan Campbell , 2QQ Ltd, Sussex University
30 Jul 2018
Government to fund six connected vehicle simulation projects
The government has announced the winners of an R&D contest for connected vehicle simulation and modelling capabilities Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
27 Jul 2018
Openreach doubles down on full-fibre broadband roll-out
In its first annual review since splitting from BT, Openreach has recommitted to its targets for full-fibre broadband Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
27 Jul 2018
BT bounces back in strong first quarter
After a run of bad news, there were some bright spots in BT’s first quarter financial results Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
Blog Post
26 Jul 2018
UK should worry if digital products become part of the global trade and tariff debate
Amid the global debate about trade tariffs, prompted by US president Donald Trump’s unorthodox economic policies, it’s little remarked that the digital economy is largely untouched by the ... Continue Reading
By- Bryan Glick, Editor in chief
26 Jul 2018
Facebook stock price falls on slowing growth forecast
Facebook’s stock price has fallen dramatically in response to a forecast of slower revenue growth in 2018 and lower-than-expected user growth for the second quarter Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
25 Jul 2018
Vodafone sales tick down on new reporting rules
Quarterly sales at mobile operator Vodafone dipped thanks to the impact of new reporting standards and foreign exchange headwinds Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
25 Jul 2018
Australian energy sector caught in security catch-22
With regulators unwilling to accept security investments that would lead to higher tariffs, there is a chance that Australia’s National Energy Market could face increased cyber risks Continue Reading
24 Jul 2018
Ofcom proposes regulatory changes to support broadband investment
Following the recommendations of the government’s Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review, regulator Ofcom has proposed a package of measures to better support investment in full-fibre broadband Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
24 Jul 2018
Intellectual property in an AI world
The controversial European Copyright Directive has gone back to the drawing board, but it raises important questions about the use of artificial intelligence in protecting individual rights Continue Reading
By- Emma Stevens, Coffin Mew
24 Jul 2018
What the ICO's Facebook fine teaches us
Legal expert Alexander Egerton considers whether the ICO’s planned £500,000 fine for Facebook is the precursor of a spate of increased fines across the board, or if it shows the ICO’s stance has not changed and will continue to target certain activities Continue Reading
By- Alexander Egerton, Seddons
20 Jul 2018
GDPR drives down UK insider threat
The insider threat in European countries is falling post-General Data Protection Regulation, but continues to rise in the US, a study has revealed Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
20 Jul 2018
NCSC report underlines cyber threat for legal firms
Legal firms are a top target for cyber attackers, the latest report from the National Cyber Security Centre shows, emphasising the need for comprehensive cyber defence capabilities Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
20 Jul 2018
Uptick in UK privacy awareness, says ICO
The UK’s privacy watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office, reports increased public awareness of privacy and information rights issues Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
19 Jul 2018
Uber appoints first privacy and data protection chiefs
Uber is getting its privacy and data protection house in order in the wake of damaging data breaches and in anticipation of the company’s planned stock market launch in 2019 Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
18 Jul 2018
Google record fine could lead to Android fork
Amazon’s Android was one of the operating systems mentioned by the European Commission as it imposed a record €4.34bn fine on Google Continue Reading
By- Cliff Saran, Managing Editor
16 Jul 2018
As prime minister unveils Brexit plans, TechUK calls for deal on services
The UK tech industry wants a Brexit deal open to services, mirroring the EU trade agreement with Canada. Continue Reading
15 Jul 2018
A quarter of Brits think they already have full-fibre broadband
CityFibre research commissioned to support its campaign for more clarity in broadband advertising appears to show widespread misunderstanding of what fibre is or what it means Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
13 Jul 2018
Matching disaster recovery to cyber threats
While it is important to take steps to prevent cyber attacks, they can still happen. That is why disaster recovery practices are equally critical Continue Reading
11 Jul 2018
Facebook could face ICO fine of up to £500,000
Facebook could face the maximum fine provided by the UK’s previous data protection laws for lack of transparency and security issues relating to the harvesting of data, the UK’s privacy watchdog has revealed Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
10 Jul 2018
Lords urge Brexit negotiators to reach agreement on security
Time is running out for the UK and EU to agree on a future security relationship and if negotiators fail to find common ground, all stakeholders stand to lose, warns a Lords’ committee Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
10 Jul 2018
NIC calls for nationwide broadband plan
The National Infrastructure Commission has called for a national broadband plan to support full-fibre roll-out Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
10 Jul 2018
Cyber crime: why business should report it as soon as possible
Cyber crime is affecting a growing number of businesses, yet few are reporting it. Computer Weekly lifts the veil on cyber crime reporting, looking at the who, what, when, where, how and why Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
09 Jul 2018
As prime minister unveils Brexit plans, TechUK calls for deal on services
The UK tech industry wants a Brexit deal open to services, mirroring the EU trade agreement with Canada Continue Reading
By- Cliff Saran, Managing Editor
06 Jul 2018
ICO Grants Programme launches second round of funding
The ICO is inviting a second round of applications for funding to promote and support independent, innovative research and solutions focused on privacy and data protection Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
06 Jul 2018
European Parliament calls for suspension of Privacy Shield
The Privacy Shield framework that replaced the Safe Harbour agreement for personal data transfers between the EU and the US is under increased pressure due to alleged non-compliance by US firms Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
03 Jul 2018
IT service provider HCL acquires sector expertise as part of European strategy
Indian IT services firm boosts its European car industry credentials though multi-million Euro investment Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
03 Jul 2018
Feds expand Facebook data sharing probe
The US federal probe into Facebook’s data sharing practices is expanding and MEPs are considering new measures as the firm reveals it granted extended access to 61 companies and admits to another data sharing software bug Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
01 Jul 2018
Australian government grappling with digital transformation woes
Digital transformation in Australia’s public sector has been beset by soaring rhetoric and vague aspirations by government, a new report reveals Continue Reading
29 Jun 2018
GDPR exposes breach reporting flaws
In the month since the GDPR compliance deadline, it has become clear that many organisations are not well prepared for personal data breach notifications, says PwC’s data protection lead Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
29 Jun 2018
British Muslim considers appeal after court rules repeated terrorism stops are legal
Muzaffar Abdullah, a 37-year-old gas engineer who has been stopped and questioned by police at airports at least 10 times, is considering an appeal after being found guilty of wilful obstruction for refusing to answer questions under controversial terrorism legislation. He received a conditional discharge. Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly
27 Jun 2018
Government must challenge popular smart city misconceptions
A report by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Smart Cities says many people feel alienated by the concept, and calls on the government to challenge some popular misconceptions Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
25 Jun 2018
Nordic and Baltic states agree on joint approach to AI
The governments of the Nordic and Baltic region want to work closer together to further increase the status of artificial intelligence in business and society Continue Reading
By- Gerard O'Dwyer
25 Jun 2018
UK privacy groups join call on EU to halt comms data collection
UK-based privacy groups have joined calls for a halt to the collection of communications data by European Union member states Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
25 Jun 2018
Mobile spectrum sharing is vital for UK 5G roll-out, says report
A report commissioned by independent network builders’ body Inca has warned that current approaches to how spectrum is apportioned are leaving vast amounts unused, and this needs to change Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
20 Jun 2018
Mobile operators appeal for dark fibre access to back 5G
O2, Three and Vodafone unite in calling for more to be done to open up dark fibre networks to supply desperately needed capacity for their future 5G networks Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
19 Jun 2018
Microsoft becomes devoted to open source developers
In this week’s Computer Weekly, after Microsoft’s recent acquisition of GitHub, we examine the software giant’s tools for embracing open source developers. Secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport Matt Hancock talks about growing the UK digital economy and supporting the tech sector. And we look at SAP’s next steps for its “intelligent enterprise” strategy. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
15 Jun 2018
DeepMind Health must be transparent to gain public trust, review finds
Independent review of DeepMind Health says the company should provide more clarity on data and business plans, while legal audit finds its controversial data-sharing deal with Royal Free is lawful Continue Reading
By -
14 Jun 2018
AI is key to keeping IBM compliant with GDPR
Artificial intelligence is vital for keeping IBM compliant with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation, which, in turn, provides opportunities for business, says the company’s data protection officer Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
14 Jun 2018
Ofcom satisfied with progress on BT Openreach split
Ofcom has published its first annual report on the legal separation of BT and Openreach, and said it is broadly satisfied with progress to date, despite hiccups relating to the BT pension scheme Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
14 Jun 2018
NCSC urges action after Dixons Carphone breach
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is urging UK business to improve data protection capabilities after Dixons Carphone revealed that millions of payment card and personal data records may have been compromised in a cyber breach Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
13 Jun 2018
Dixons Carphone admits 'falling short' on data protection
Dixons Carphone has warned that millions of credit card and personal data records may have been compromised in a cyber breach Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
12 Jun 2018
Privacy Shield under threat by US non-compliance
The Privacy Shield framework that replaced the Safe Harbour agreement for personal data transfers between the EU and the US is under threat due to non-compliance by US firms Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
12 Jun 2018
Email-based cyber attacks gathering momentum
Email-based cyber attacks are gathering momentum and the cost of these attacks are rising, with several hidden costs, a survey of IT professionals in Europe, Middle East and Africa reveals Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
11 Jun 2018
Security Think Tank: Data flow visibility is essential to security
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it is shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
By- Elisabetta Zaccaria, Secure Chorus
11 Jun 2018
An audience with Matt Hancock, secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport
Matt Hancock is the first Cabinet minister with a digital background, and he's keen to impress on the tech sector that he’s on their side Continue Reading
By- Bryan Glick, Editor in chief
11 Jun 2018
Irish government vows to ease planning procedures for datacentre investors
After Apple and Amazon saw their datacentre plans tripped up by the Irish planning system, the government has outlined its commitment to easing the path to construction for other operators Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
10 Jun 2018
Singapore government to regulate eSIM technology
The government is gathering feedback on key proposals such as forbidding telcos to lock embedded SIM-enabled devices to their networks Continue Reading
By- Kimberly Chua
07 Jun 2018
IT spending reaches 10-year high as CIOs struggle with digital technology strategy
IT leaders have seen their budgets and headcounts rise for the first time in 10 years, but face challenges implementing their digital strategies Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly
07 Jun 2018
Security Think Tank: Understand data for risk-based protection
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it is shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
By- Simon Persin, Turnkey Consulting
06 Jun 2018
GDPR and backup: A potential minefield easily avoided
The right to be forgotten will be impossible in backups and snapshots, but systems can be built that automate for compliance, says Andy Barratt of security consultancy Coalfire Continue Reading
By- Antony Adshead, Storage Editor
06 Jun 2018
We need to design for security and privacy, says Martha Lane Fox
The digital future is bright, but only if society works through a gear change in its relationship with technology, and demands products and services that are secure and private by design, says internet service pioneer Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
06 Jun 2018
Security Think Tank: Ignorance about data is tantamount to negligence
Why is it important to know where data flows, with whom it's shared and where it lives at rest, and what is the best way of achieving this? Continue Reading
By- Tim Holman, 2-sec
06 Jun 2018
Singapore government to form AI advisory council
New council will develop standards and guidelines to address ethical issues arising from the growing use of artificial intelligence Continue Reading
By- Kimberly Chua
05 Jun 2018
Australia’s chief scientist calls for AI regulations
The proposal would require companies to apply for a trustmark so they know from the outset how their AI is expected to behave Continue Reading
05 Jun 2018
The bumpy ride to digital transformation
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we look at the lessons to be learned from General Electric’s bumpy ride to digital transformation. We assess the use of software-defined networking in corporate IT infrastructures. And we find out how Royal Bank of Scotland approaches digital and business innovation. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
04 Jun 2018
GDPR – like a lot of regulation – will mostly benefit the big incumbents
The law of unintended consequences applies to the new EU data protection laws, because the big players it seeks to regulate can better afford to comply Continue Reading
By- Tim Worstall, Adam Smith Institute
30 May 2018
Tier 2 visas – a challenge for the tech sector
With staff shortages already being reported in the technology sector and Brexit potentially adding to the problem, tech departments need to get their Tier 2 visa applications right Continue Reading
By- Kerry Garcia and Jackie Penlington
29 May 2018
Business still not addressing insider threat
Businesses are still not addressing inside threats when it comes to cyber security, leaving themselves wide open to data breaches as a result, according to a security analyst Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
29 May 2018
Policy Exchange report calls for GDS to be moved to DCMS
Think-tank wants Government Digital Service to create a “single digital government account” for citizens, and says bringing the organisation into the Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport will improve focus on “all aspects of digital transformation” Continue Reading
By -
29 May 2018
Max Schrems’s NOYB initiates GDPR action
A privacy NGO led by Austrian lawyer Max Schrems is among the first to file complaints under the GDPR against Google, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
25 May 2018
GDPR puts people first, says ICO
The day of 25 May 2018 marks the biggest change to UK data protection law in a generation, with benefits for businesses and consumers, according to the UK privacy watchdog Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
25 May 2018
Commitment is the watchword on GDPR D-Day
New rules for protecting European citizens’ personal data are now enforceable by law, and organisations are being advised to focus broadly on commitment rather than narrowly on compliance Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
24 May 2018
Stronger rules on data protection by EU institutions agreed
On the eve of the GDPR compliance deadline, European politicians agree new rules to strengthen data protection in EU organisations Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
24 May 2018
Security experts weigh in on GDPR checklists
Security experts give their views on what final checks businesses should be doing on the eve of the General Data Protection Regulation compliance deadline, while a survey reveals almost half of Brits have not heard of it Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
24 May 2018
CW Nordics: Finland delays e-voting plan
Security concerns have re-emerged to further frustrate the Finnish government’s plans to launch a national e-voting system. Also read about a study by the Stockholm School of Economics that looks at the likely impact of AI, machine learning and robotics on people’s lives. And find out why Norway has accelerated plans to scale up its national cyber security infrastructure. Continue Reading
24 May 2018
New UK Data Protection Act not welcomed by all
Legislation makes the UK one of the first countries to implement the GDPR in local law, but some have criticised it as a “lost opportunity” Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
23 May 2018
UK calls for new data-sharing model with EU
The UK has proposed a new data-sharing model to ensure ongoing data protection collaboration and free flow of data between the EU and the UK post-Brexit Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
23 May 2018
Application and device security under the spotlight
The security of internet-connected devices and associated applications has become a significant concern, prompting suggestions legislation may be required, while the UK government’s recent Secure by Design review suggests several solutions, including legislative measures Continue Reading
23 May 2018
Facebook is ready for GDPR, says Zuckerberg
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg has claimed the social network is ready for GDPR, but failed to give any answers to the most probing questions posed by European MEPs Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
23 May 2018
Ethics and tech – a double-edged sword
Just because a business activity is legal doesn’t mean it will be acceptable to customers, as the ethical debates in tech are proving Continue Reading
By- James Kitching, Coffin Mew
22 May 2018
GDPR is here – are you ready?
The EU’s new data protection regulation, GDPR, comes into force this week. In this edition of Computer Weekly, we ask if companies are ready for it and look at what happens if you’re not yet compliant. Our latest buyer’s guide examines digital transformation and the role of the CIO. And we find out how technology is changing the traditional sport of cricket. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
22 May 2018
Google sued for £3.2bn for tracking UK iPhone browsing
A lawsuit by a group called Google You Owe Us is seeking compensation from Google for tracking millions of UK iPhone users’ browsing data Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
21 May 2018
ICO fines University of Greenwich £120,000
The UK privacy watchdog has issued a monetary penalty against the University of Greenwich for a "serious" security breach Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
21 May 2018
UK government promises laws to police 'Wild West Internet'
UK government plans laws to make online activity safer after green paper reveals more needs to be done to protect citizens Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
21 May 2018
ICO could use new GDPR powers in Facebook probe
UK privacy watchdog is considering using new powers in its investigation of Facebook, while the government is considering new laws to police social media firms Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
18 May 2018
Most UK marketers GDPR ready, but not all firms have a plan
Most UK marketers believe they are ready for GDPR, but a worrying number believe their employers may not be, as businesses are urged to embrace the positives a week before the compliance deadline Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
18 May 2018
BYOD in UK SMEs linked to security incidents
Bring your own device practices have been identified as a cyber security risk for six in 10 SMEs in research published a week ahead of the GDPR compliance deadline Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
18 May 2018
Use GDPR to propel business forward, says ICO
GDPR is about a new way of doing things that businesses can use to their advantage, and cyber security is a key element, according to the Information Commissioner’s Office Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
17 May 2018
Ex-DWP IT contractor wins IR35 case appeal against HMRC
Tribunal judge rules terms of contractor's engagement with the Department for Work and Pensions means HMRC was wrong to pursue a £26,000 claim for unpaid income tax and national insurance contributions Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
17 May 2018
GDPR impact on Whois data raising concern
The negative impact of the GDPR on internet domain registration information is raising concern in cyber security circles because the data is key to cyber crime fighting operations Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
16 May 2018
AI is more than just doing things cheaper and faster
Choose the parts of AI to deploy to demonstrate return-on-investment and differentiate your brand, says Volkswagen Australia’s chief customer officer Continue Reading
16 May 2018
Most firms see GDPR as an opportunity
A growing number of organisations consider the GDPR to be an opportunity to improve the way they handle data privacy and security, while leaders are using it as an opportunity for full business transformation, a study shows Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
15 May 2018
SMEs more worried about GDPR’s threat to reputation than fines
SMEs are more worried about the damage GDPR non compliance will do to their reputations than their wallets Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
15 May 2018
Cage director Rabbani heads for Supreme Court after appeals court rules password demands lawful
Muhammad Rabbani, director of campaigning group Cage, will appeal to the Supreme Court after Court of Appeal rules that police did not act unlawfully by demanding his computer and mobile phone passwords under Section 7 of the Terrorism Act Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly
14 May 2018
It’s not too late to get GDPR ready
With the GDPR compliance deadline on 25 May 2018, there is little time to get ready, but it is not too late, according to the IAPP, which provides a checklist to help organisations ensure they are in the best position possible for the deadline Continue Reading
By- Paul Jordan, International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
11 May 2018
Police Scotland did not inform public of mobile phone searches
Members of the Scottish Parliament heard that Police Scotland did not conduct impact assessments or give explanations to the public when they were accessing private data on their mobile phones Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly
11 May 2018
EFF welcomes backdoor-blocking US bill
International digital rights organisation welcomes proposed US legislation that will prevent the government from forcing a company to build backdoors into encrypted products and services Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
10 May 2018
Hacking the internet of things just got easier – it’s time to look at your security
Are you taking security for internet-connected devices seriously enough? Continue Reading
By- Dan Mosca, PA Consulting
10 May 2018
CW Benelux: Rotterdam charts course to become world’s smartest port
The Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands is using internet of things and artificial intelligence technology from IBM in a bid to become the world’s smartest port. Also read how companies in the Netherlands are only partly ready for the country’s version of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and why the European Central Bank thinks cash will remain in use in the Eurozone for a very long time. Continue Reading
10 May 2018
Embrace GDPR to remain competitive, says OWI
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation is set to raise the bar internationally for data protection and should be embraced to remain competitive, says report Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
09 May 2018
CNI providers face hefty fines for cyber security failings
UK providers of critical national infrastructure face hefty fines for cyber security failings from 10 May 2018 Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
09 May 2018
Dutch Tax Authority not fully GDPR-compliant as deadline approaches
The Netherlands’ Department of Finance warns that not all aspects of the EU privacy law will be implemented by the 25 May deadline Continue Reading
By -
09 May 2018
Breach disclosure time still high, report shows
Companies are getting faster at disclosing breaches, but the average is still too high in the light of the GDPR and other breach disclosure regulations, a report shows Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
09 May 2018
HSBC launches open banking app
In line with open banking regulation, HSBC has launched an app that enables users to see accounts from 21 different banks in one place Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
08 May 2018
Financial sector cyber-related laws are a bellwether, says Deloitte
As the regulatory landscape becomes more complex, organisations should look to the financial sector to see what else is coming, as well as focus on three key areas of GDPR compliance, according to Deloitte Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
03 May 2018
City Police use Lego simulation to teach businesses cyber security
City of London Police are offering to train business leaders and IT security in cyber security using a Lego simulation that is surprisingly close to real life Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly