Raspberry Pi at 10


Raspberry Pi at 10: Raspberry Pi MacRobert Award 2017

Source:  Royal Academy of Engineering

According to Eben Upton, the company’s founder and CEO, the Raspberry Pi has become serendipitous and is being used in application areas that its designers never considered would be possible. The supercomputing facility at Los Alamos is one such example. “From a central planning perspective, we thought about giving Pis out to kids, but once you make them at scale, people start doing very different things. We never thought of them being used to build models of supercomputers. No one sits down in focus groups and says that.” 

In 2017, Raspberry Pi won the MacRobert Award, the UK's top prize for engineering innovation. This photograph shows Gordon Hollingworth, chief product officer; Eben Upton, CEO and co-founder; Dom Cobley, senior engineer; Liz Upton, chief marketing officer; James Adams, chief operating officer and Pete Lomas, co-founder and designer of Raspberry Pi 1 Model B.

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