Lightbend programming model is cloud-to-edge

Traditionally, developers are been forced to use different solutions when building for the cloud and edge. 

Lightbend thinks it can change that standard.

The company says its Akka service delivers a model that allows software application development professionals to build a single cloud-native application for both cloud and edge environments. 

Known as a firm that provides cloud-native microservices frameworks, Akka now targets distributed computing with a new programming model that enables developers to build an application once and have it work across both cloud and edge.

Akka provides a singular programming model to eliminate the high latency, large footprint and complexity barriers typically associated with the Edge.

Bonér’s bone

The company says that developers can focus on business logic rather than complicated tool integrations, something that the company CEO has a real bone of contention with.

“Today, applications developed for cloud native environments are generally not well-suited to the edge and vice versa,” said Jonas Bonér, Lightbend’s founder and CEO. “This has always struck me as counter-productive, as both architectures lean heavily on one another to be successful.”

Bonér further notes that Akka enables projections over gRPC for the Edge – asynchronous, brokerless service-to-service communication. Programmatically, the technology has a defined low-footprint active entity migration requirement.

There is support for more constrained environments such as running with GraalVM native image and lightweight Kubernetes distributions, plus support for multidimensional autoscaling and scale to near zero. Akka single programming model keeps code, tools, patterns and communication the same, regardless if the application target is cloud, edge, or in between.

Akka’s new cloud-to-edge capabilities are available now.

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