Transforming IT at HM Revenue & Customs - Phil Pavitt, CIO for HMRC


The 13 Machine Strategy

13 machine strategy

HMRC is reducing the complexity of its IT estate by migrating every system on to 13 standard, non-customised platforms.

Selling the project to the business was not exactly difficult, said Pavitt.

“We had a spreadsheet, and a chart, which showed every machine, the age of the machine, and when it went out of support,” he said.

“And then I really shocked them, I showed them the cost of running each machine and the average age of the support people.”

The analysis showed that HMRC was paying a fortune to keep systems going that had not received investment for years. And many of the IT professionals with the expert knowledge to maintain them were close to retirement.

What started off as an IT led strategy, quickly became a business led strategy.

“I get summoned to meetings to apologise for not delivering their 13 machine strategy fast enough, I laugh in my head and apologise with my mouth,” he said.


Download Phil Pavitt's PowerPoint presentation here

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