IT careers and IT skills
IT professionals increasingly need to take responsibility for ensuring that their IT skills are kept up-to-date, and for pursuing opportunities that will develop their IT careers. We examine the issues around career development at all stages of an IT professional's working life, from education through to training and recruitment.
07 Feb 2025
Tech job postings dropped in 2024, according to research
Job postings for several IT roles returned to pre-pandemic levels last year, dropping when compared with 2023 Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
06 Feb 2025
14 types of diversity in the workplace
Diversity can help improve a company's bottom line, but the term often causes confusion. Learn about the different types and how to use them to build a supportive work environment. Continue Reading
08 Jul 2016
Cisco UK and Ireland CEO Phil Smith steps down after 22 years
Phil Smith announces he is stepping down from the day-to-day running of Cisco’s UK and Ireland business to take up the role of chairman Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
08 Jul 2016
New Jersey turns to technology to keep offenders out of jail
New Jersey is developing criminal justice applications that will save offenders from spending years in jail before their cases are heard Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly
07 Jul 2016
CW ASEAN: July 2016
Lessons from the Philippine government hack: In this issue we ask why a hack on the Philippine Commission on the Elections (Comelec) was allowed to happen and what organisations in Southeast Asia can learn from this breach of security. Retailers in the region are concerned – read how the theft of customer data is their biggest worry. Continue Reading
07 Jul 2016
CW ANZ: July 2016
Australia knows it has a cyber security problem, but not the scale. In this month’s CW ANZ we describe how Australia's $230m security strategy serves as a wake-up call to enterprises. We also reveal the techniques and technologies being used to protect one Australian school, as well as a more general look at the main cyber threats to orgainsations in Australia. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
06 Jul 2016
Case study: Inside JP Morgan's Glasgow developer centre
JP Morgan chief development officer Stephen Flaherty heads a team of developers in Glasgow, one of the bank's strategic hubs Continue Reading
By- Cliff Saran, Managing Editor
05 Jul 2016
Nordic CIO interview: Tore Burheim, University of Bergen
IT director of Norwegian university tells Computer Weekly about digitising education and creating co-operative clusters Continue Reading
05 Jul 2016
How will UK IT adapt after Brexit?
In this week’s Computer Weekly, as the aftershocks continue from the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, we look at the implications and challenges for the UK technology community. Our latest buyer’s guide examines expense management software. And IT leaders discuss ethics in IT and debate the question – can you trust your technology? Read the issue now. Continue Reading
01 Jul 2016
Barclays banks on agile and DevOps to tackle competitive threats in fintech
Barclays Bank opens up about how increasing competition in the financial services sector has fuelled its 18-month, company-wide campaign to increase its use of agile and DevOps methodologies Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
30 Jun 2016
Five retail-based startups head for 2016 Jlab incubator
Five of the 23 startups that pitched for a place on John Lewis’s 2016 startup programme will be spending the summer in the retailer’s Jlab accelerator Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
29 Jun 2016
Lauri Love using illness as a shield against extradition, claims prosecution
Prosecution lawyer questions whether activist Lauri Love is not fit enough to stand trial in the US over hacking charges,as expert witnesses warn that US prisons are ill-equipped for people with mental health problems. Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin and Fiona O'Cleirigh
28 Jun 2016
The most influential women in IT 2016
Computer Weekly recognises 50 inspirational women who are role models for diversity and success in technology Continue Reading
Blog Post
24 Jun 2016
Where are all the women in UK technology?
Since Computer Weekly launched its list of the most influential women in UK IT in 2011, the number of initiatives championing and encouraging women in technology has grown enormously. Through ... Continue Reading
By- Bryan Glick, Editor in chief
23 Jun 2016
Most influential women in UK IT 2016: Rising Stars
Computer Weekly reveals the judges’ choice for the 2016 most influential women in UK IT Rising Stars. Special thanks to the Salesforce Foundation for extending its support to our 2016 Rising Stars Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
23 Jun 2016
Focus on diversity, not gender, says most influential woman in UK IT 2016
The winner of Computer Weekly’s most influential woman in UK IT award, Maggie Philbin, says the IT industry should focus on wider diversity as opposed to just gender equality Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
23 Jun 2016
Computer Weekly announces the 50 most influential women in UK IT 2016
Computer Weekly announces its top 50 list of the most influential women in UK IT, including 2016 winner Maggie Philbin Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
Photo Story
22 Jun 2016
Most influential women in UK IT: Rising Stars 2016
Read about the judge's choice for the 2016 Computer Weekly most influential women in UK IT Rising Stars Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
Photo Story
21 Jun 2016
The 50 most influential women in UK IT 2016
See pictures and bios for the Computer Weekly 50 most influential women in UK IT 2016 Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
20 Jun 2016
CW@50: The evolution of the CIO
From working in statistics departments to becoming a key part of any business transformation – as Computer Weekly gets ready to celebrate its 50th anniversary, we look back at the changing role of IT leaders Continue Reading
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20 Jun 2016
Three-quarters of tech firms do not have gender diverse senior management
Research by Tech London Advocates finds that only 23% of technology companies have gender diverse teams at senior management level Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
20 Jun 2016
GDS drafts new technology code of practice
The Government Digital Service (GDS) plans to update its technology code of practice and asks stakeholders for feedback Continue Reading
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Photo Story
17 Jun 2016
Digital Leaders 100 Awards 2016 winners
In a packed room at the Hilton Park Lane, the winners of the Digital Leaders 100 Awards (DL100) were revealed Continue Reading
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15 Jun 2016
New Zealand calls for tech specialists
New Zealand needs more IT professionals, and is hitting its targets through a mix of training existing residents and attracting new ones Continue Reading
By- Bill Bennett
15 Jun 2016
CW Europe: June-August 2016
In this issue of CW Europe we lead off with a look at the open data success story in France. Making data available promises organisations – particularly data rich public sector bodies – the opportunity to improve services and cut costs. France is doing just that. Read how following the appointment of its first chief data officer (CDO), France has made good progress in using open data. It now has the number four spot in the Open Data Barometer, compiled by the World Wide Web Foundation. France has also become a prominent member of the Open Government Partnership. Through its open data programme, the French government has created both economic and social benefits such as reducing transaction costs. Continue Reading
15 Jun 2016
Isle of Man: From seaside getaway to tech startup hub
The Isle of Man government is stepping up efforts to position itself as the low-tax jurisdiction of choice for the startup community. But what's it like to do business there? Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
15 Jun 2016
Hancock sets out key principles for digital transformation
Data should be a public service in its own right and the civil service need to add digital to their skillset, says Cabinet Office minister Matt Hancock Continue Reading
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13 Jun 2016
Nordic CIO interview: Johnny Bröms, Swedish fast-food chain Max Burger
The CIO of Swedish fast-food chain tells Computer Weekly how digital technology is increasing sales and supporting expansion Continue Reading
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13 Jun 2016
Digital skills gap costs UK economy £63bn a year
The Science and Technology Committee says the UK is facing a digital skills crisis and calls on government to publish its Digital Strategy “without further delay” Continue Reading
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08 Jun 2016
Staff crave positive digital leadership
While people are comfortable using digital technologies at home, the majority don’t have access to, or have a negative view of, technology at work, according to a survey Continue Reading
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07 Jun 2016
Apple lures open source developers with Swift
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we look at Apple’s plan to woo open source developers to its Swift programming language. DevOps practitioners are warning of growing stress on IT operations staff through the growth of continuous development practices. And the CIO at high street optician Specsavers tells us why the store is a vital part of digital retailing. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
06 Jun 2016
CW ANZ: June 2016
Read how scientists at a major Australian university are benefiting from the latest storage technology to help them get the most out of advanced IT already in place. More than 100 scientific teams share the sophisticated high-performance computer facilities at Monash University’s eResearch Centre in Melbourne, Australia. To help scientists get the best from the computing facilities, Monash built a state-of-the-art software-defined storage cluster using open source technologies and cost efficient hardware from Dell. Continue Reading
06 Jun 2016
CW ASEAN: June 2016
In this issue we look at a software-defined approach to storage management that combines storage, compute, networking and virtualization technologies. We find out how popular these hyper-converged and converged storage systems are among organizations in Southeast Asia and consider why organizations would move production systems to these. Also read whether Asian CIOs are ready for Docker and container technology. Containers are all the rage among developers. They are well suited to DevOps best practices due to their portability, fast deployment times and standard units of operations. We look at whether Asian CIOs are ready to use this open source technology to build, test and run applications in their organizations. Continue Reading
01 Jun 2016
My first IoT project: A guide for businesses
We’ve all had a good giggle about having our fridges hacked – but now it’s time to get real. What are the first steps enterprises should take when implementing their first internet of things project? Continue Reading
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30 May 2016
Middle East CIO interview: V. Chandrasekar, Standard Chartered
The CIO of Standard Chartered bank in the Middle East tells Computer Weekly about the challenge of keeping customers happy through IT Continue Reading
24 May 2016
Data drives Leicester City FC to victory
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we find out how data analytics and wearable technology made the difference in helping Leicester City FC become the surprise winners of the Premier League. Our latest buyer’s guide looks at 3D printing and asks if it is ready for widespread enterprise use. And IT leaders tell us their strategies for successful technology sourcing. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
24 May 2016
UK government announces CyberFirst bursary scheme
GCHQ will partner with other government departments and private industry to offer students a comprehensive package of financial assistance and cyber skills Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
20 May 2016
CW Benelux: May-July 2016
Welcome to the Computer Weekly ezine focused on the Benelux region. This quarterly publication will look at the issues facing CIOs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. Continue Reading
19 May 2016
Digital inclusion charity demands government enforcement of web accessibility laws
AbilityNet claims government is "falling down on the job" by failing to act against firms that do not make their websites and services accessible to disabled users Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
19 May 2016
ING Turkey uses digital technology to improve services and grow customer base
Turkish bank uses business process management technology to offer financial services through 1,500 grocery stores, technology outlets and post offices Continue Reading
By- Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly
17 May 2016
Countdown begins to new EU data protection rules
In this week’s Computer Weekly, with the new EU data protection rules ready to become law, firms now have just two years to prepare for the stringent regulations – we assess the challenges. Manufacturing giant Rolls-Royce talks about why it moved its HR systems to the cloud and the lessons it learned. And we look back at 50 years of technology innovation in storage. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
17 May 2016
BBC Three builds second base in Birmingham
The BBC announces plans to develop a second Birmingham-based headquarters for BBC Three Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
16 May 2016
HSBC cuts hundreds of UK IT jobs
HSBC is cutting its UK IT workforce and transferring jobs to lower-cost countries as part of its global delivery strategy Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
13 May 2016
Sainsbury’s launches software development apprenticeship in bid to up tech skills
Retailer Sainsbury’s is targeting those with and without previous technical skills to become software development apprentices Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
12 May 2016
Future Retail Contest: Using tech to tackle retail’s biggest problems
IC Tomorrow’s Future Retail Contest aims to help the retail industry tackle some of its business issues by leveraging retail-focused startups Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
12 May 2016
CW Nordics: May 2016
The Nordics is seen as a pioneer of the latest IT. The populations of the region are keen to try out new IT services and it has a large population of IT startups creating them. In banking, for example, the region is pushing the tech boundaries. One of the most overt changes digital technology has brought to people’s lives is how they do their day-to-day banking. Most developed economies are seeing the same trends: bank branches closing; people using cashless payments; and mobile phones becoming the most popular banking tools. But the Nordics could be a pioneer. In this quarter’s issue of CW Nordics, we feature a debate about whether Sweden, the region’s biggest economy, could become the first country in the world to go cashless. Continue Reading
10 May 2016
Graph databases are making connections
In this week’s Computer Weekly, the recent global scandal revealed by the Panama Papers relied on graph databases to uncover secrets from huge volumes of data – we look at the business benefits of the technology. Most organisations are failing to take basic IT security measures – we examine why. And we analyse the latest flash storage innovations. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
09 May 2016
CEO Natalie Ceeney to quit the Courts Service
Courts and Tribunal Service CEO Natalie Ceeney’s sudden departure raises questions on the future of digital courts Continue Reading
By- Barbara Hewson
09 May 2016
Younger children more interested in technology careers than teens
Younger children are more interested in a career in technology than their older teenage counterparts who become disaffected as they grow older Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
09 May 2016
CW@50: From bricks to clicks – how technology has changed the shopping experience
As Computer Weekly prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary, we look back at how retail has evolved from the small corner store of the 1960s to the omni-channel world of today Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
04 May 2016
Most Influential Women in UK IT 2016: Entrants to the Hall of Fame
Computer Weekly recognises more great women’s lifetime achievements in its Most Influential Women in UK IT Hall of Fame Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
03 May 2016
How high-speed rail is accelerating innovation
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we find out how HS2, the UK’s planned high-speed railway, is developing its IT from scratch and as a long-term project is also having to predict the future. We hear from DevOps experts who try to bust some of the myths around continuous software delivery. And our latest buyer’s guide analyses graph databases – the technology that links relations between datasets. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
29 Apr 2016
Tech-savvy Asean populations shake up enterprise IT, says AIA CTO
A young, urban and tech-savvy population in the Asean region has forced enterprises to rethink their IT strategies Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
29 Apr 2016
Young people unaware of IT roles in financial services
Careers firm Investment 2020 claims young people have little awareness of the IT roles available in the financial services sector, or what routes to take to get there Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
26 Apr 2016
The high-tech travel future for Heathrow
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we talk to the CIO of Heathrow Airport, the UK’s busiest air transport hub, about future technology plans and the innovations transforming travel for passengers. We look at the opportunities for utility companies from better use of operational data analytics. And we find out how IT apprenticeship schemes are helping to bridge the digital skills gap, with a visit to Accenture’s Newcastle base. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
21 Apr 2016
UK economy faces digital divide, CBI warns
A report from the Confederation of British Industry and tech giant IBM paints a bleak picture of UK businesses' adoption (or not) of digital technologies Continue Reading
By- Cliff Saran, Managing Editor
21 Apr 2016
BBC micro:bit Model Rocket Car Competition sparks creative interest in Stem
Microsoft and the Bloodhound Project explain how focusing on the creative side of tech helps drive children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and maths careers Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
20 Apr 2016
CW Middle East – April to June 2016
The Middle East is undergoing great socio-political and economic change. While the economics of falling oil prices is driving business diversification in the region, the opening up of the Iranian economy looks set to boost demand. The IT industry is set to play a key role in the region's social and economic future. Continue Reading
19 Apr 2016
The hunters who prey on cyber criminals
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we talk to the hunters – a new breed of security expert that proactively hunts down cyber attackers before they can strike. We visit Silicon Valley to meet some of the up-and-coming startups in data analytics and business intelligence. And we hear from IT leaders about the people, process and cultural aspects of managing digital transformation. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
19 Apr 2016
Employees’ use of personal devices puts firms at risk of malware infection, says report
Downloaders care about their own security while grabbing pirated content, not that of their employers Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
18 Apr 2016
CIO interview: Gerard Spans, Arcadis
The CIO of the Netherlands-based global design and consulting company tells Computer Weekly how he manages the three responsibilities which he sees as the future of his role Continue Reading
18 Apr 2016
Government CTO Liam Maxwell to leave GDS for new job as digital czar
Liam Maxwell's new role as national technology advisor will help to develop the UK's digital economy Continue Reading
By- Bryan Glick, Editor in chief
15 Apr 2016
Capgemini to build 100-strong team of blockchain specialists
The IT services firm is building a team of 100 blockchain experts as banks start to consider the technology as the future of financial services Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
15 Apr 2016
BBC turns micro:bit computers into IoT devices
The BBC and Nominet demonstrate a new use case for the micro:bit computer and hope to turn Britain’s schoolchildren into internet of things pioneers Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
15 Apr 2016
Australian universities increase IT spending well above global average
Australian universities are increasing their IT spending as they improve learning and operational efficiency Continue Reading
14 Apr 2016
Social media could be used to identify refugees, says fintech founder
A panel at the Innovate Finance Summit 2016 discussed ways refugees could access funds, including digital identities, smartphones and peer-to-peer applications Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
12 Apr 2016
How IT in a portacabin supports £1bn London Bridge station overhaul
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we find out how a temporary IT set-up based in a portacabin is supporting the UK’s largest critical infrastructure project – the £1bn redevelopment of London Bridge train station. Our latest buyer’s guide looks at converged infrastructure products. And we analyse research showing data protection topping the list of UK security priorities. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
11 Apr 2016
QA launches cyber attack defence training facility in London
Training firm QA launches a cyber attack simulation facility in London to enable organisations to test and learn cyber defence skills Continue Reading
By- Warwick Ashford, Senior analyst
08 Apr 2016
CIOs lack faith in IT’s ability to meet digital demands of business
VCE research suggests IT departments lack confidence in their ability to meet the digital demands of their organisation Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
05 Apr 2016
Seven steps to digital leadership
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we look at the key characteristics of successful leaders as digital transformation becomes a business priority. We examine Microsoft’s plans for exploiting the internet of things and the role of its Azure cloud platform. And we look back at British IT history after WW2 as the first part of our new series of articles for Computer Weekly’s 50th anniversary celebrations. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
05 Apr 2016
John Lewis launches 2016 round of accelerator programme Jlab
Retailer John Lewis launches the 2016 round of Jlab, a programme designed to bring innovation and disruption to the retail industry with technology startups Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
01 Apr 2016
IT services firm creates 500 jobs in Welsh local authority
IT services firm CGI creates 500 jobs in south Wales following a £3.2m investment from the Welsh government Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
31 Mar 2016
DDoS attacks on universities normally performed by “disgruntled” students or employees
The majority of distributed denial of service attacks on universities are made by students or employees, says the head of infrastructure services at the University of London Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
31 Mar 2016
Businesses should help shape graduates, says Hitachi Data Systems COO
Lynn Collier, COO of Hitachi Data Systems, wants businesses to collaborate with educational institutions to ensure young people gain the right skills Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
24 Mar 2016
The dawn of managed services in the Middle East
Managed services are on the up in the Middle East, with enterprises looking at ways to support critical infrastructures while they invest in new technologies Continue Reading
By- Edward Banda
24 Mar 2016
CIO interview: Martin Uudelepp, Fonus Group
The interim CIO of Swedish family law and funeral group Fonus tells Computer Weekly about his role as a “chaos pilot” Continue Reading
18 Mar 2016
What does the IT sector think of the UK potentially leaving the EU?
The referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union is fast approaching and the country’s IT sector is taking sides Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
18 Mar 2016
PAC disappointed by Major Projects Authority’s lack of impact
The Public Accounts Committee is concerned that the newly formed Infrastructure and Projects Authority will weaken project scrutiny and become a “champion for government projects” Continue Reading
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18 Mar 2016
CIO interview: Stuart Birrell, Heathrow Airport
Heathrow’s CIO is working to future-proof the airport, using technology to improve the passenger experience, reduce environmental impact and build a new operational model Continue Reading
18 Mar 2016
Most students say cyber security is a growing threat
Some 70% of higher education students say they are aware that cyber crime and attacks are a threat, but less than half think security is their responsibility Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
17 Mar 2016
Everyone should be a chief customer officer, says PetsPyjamas CEO
CEO of pet-friendly product company PetsPyjamas says the idea of the chief customer officer is redundant Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
16 Mar 2016
CW Europe – March 2016
India once again topped a list of best places to offshore IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) services but, as global delivery becomes the norm, organisations will increasingly look for other locations for a better balance. An annual study from management consultancy AT Kearney revealed its top 55 locations, with India leading the way. But organisations now have many more options, as their criteria for choosing a particular destination extends beyond cost. And it is now common for organisations to use several offshoring locations. Continue Reading
16 Mar 2016
Teens interested in tech, but few seek career in engineering
Most teens show an interest in technology, but do not want careers in engineering due to industry misconceptions Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
04 Mar 2016
Bet365 donates Erlang libraries to GitHub
The open-source initiative will help to drive adoption of the Erlang functional programming language among enterprise developers Continue Reading
By- Cliff Saran, Managing Editor
03 Mar 2016
IoT adoption held back by lack of business case, software and skills
The internet of things is at the top of Gartner’s Hype Cycle, but many organisations cannot build a business case to invest in IoT projects Continue Reading
By- Cliff Saran, Managing Editor
03 Mar 2016
Why are big government IT projects still going wrong?
The rural payments programme has again been in the spotlight over its failures, continuing the trend of government IT programmes being noted not for their success, but rather the opposite Continue Reading
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02 Mar 2016
GDS hindered delivery of rural payments programme, says PAC
The rural payments programme was a “Whitehall fiasco” with too much focus on the digital front end, says the public accounts committee (PAC) Continue Reading
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01 Mar 2016
Protecting the UK from cyber attacks
In this week’s Computer Weekly, we talk to the National Crime Agency’s top cyber cop, Sarah Goodall, about how the police are tackling IT security threats against the country through global collaborations. We ask CIOs for their tips on building an IT strategy for the digital age. And we review the big six storage suppliers’ plans for all-flash arrays. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
29 Feb 2016
CIO interview: Anders Candell, Stora Enso
CIO at Finnish pulp and paper manufacturer shares advice for shouldering a new CIO position and guiding the business towards innovative technology Continue Reading
Photo Story
26 Feb 2016
FDM everywoman in technology awards 2016 winners
The everywoman in technology awards, sponsored in 2016 by FDM, are designed to showcase many of the great women working in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) careers. Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
23 Feb 2016
Surviving broadband failure
In this week’s Computer Weekly, after the recent BT broadband outage, we examine the options to keep your communications in place in the event of a failure, to ensure business continuity. We look at the prospects for the OpenStack open source cloud platform in the enterprise. And we see how Ireland is making progress on delivering a digital health service. Read the issue now. Continue Reading
18 Feb 2016
Media and marketing industries on the lookout for digital skills
Creative industries such as media, marketing, advertising and sales place more value on digital skills than IT and telecoms sector does Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
18 Feb 2016
CW Europe: February 2016
In Europe cloud is restricted and hybrid setups make use of local compute and storage. Continue Reading
15 Feb 2016
'We stumbled on e-commerce,' says Ecco marketing head
Head of e-commerce at retailer Ecco Dana Schwartz explains how the firm’s transformational journey happened as a result of e-commerce adoption Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor
15 Feb 2016
Telstra is transforming Australian IT infrastructure
Telco is transforming its IT operation to make better use of the cloud, data and application programming interfaces Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
12 Feb 2016
CIO interview: Ismo Platan, SSAB
Retiring CIO of Swedish steel company tells Computer Weekly about the progress made in merging two Nordic steel firms and looks at the biggest hurdles that lie ahead Continue Reading
11 Feb 2016
Digital internships in India with TCS now open to UK graduates
India’s biggest IT supplier, Tata Consultancy Services, plans to recruit 1,000 UK graduates for paid internships over the next four years Continue Reading
By- Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
11 Feb 2016
CW500: Skills, changing roles and cloud among key trends for CIOs in 2016
At Computer Weekly’s first CW500 meeting of 2016, CIOs gathered to discuss the role of the CIO, business change, cloud uptake and skills Continue Reading
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10 Feb 2016
The OpenStack Foundation: Building enterprise trust in open-source clouds
With HMRC and the European Commission emerging as OpenStack adopters, the OpenStack Foundation's CEO explains how it has set about winning over the enterprise with its open-source cloud platform Continue Reading
By- Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK
10 Feb 2016
CW Nordics: February 2016
The Nordic region is often described as a region that is leading the way in terms of the use of modern IT. The region needs IT to make up for factors such as having a small population, with many isolated communities. So IT both helps the region punch above its weight in business and enables its residents to receive services effectively. Continue Reading
10 Feb 2016
Smart cities pointless without universal superfast broadband
Smart city deployments will not get very far, or realise effective socioeconomic benefits, if more attention is not paid to the underlying infrastructure Continue Reading
By- Alex Scroxton, Security Editor
10 Feb 2016
Marks & Spencer appoints new chief digital officer
Marcus East leaves role as head of e-commerce at Apple to become CDO at retail chain Continue Reading
By- Clare McDonald, Business Editor