Women in Computing through the years: Computer Weekly’s Archive


“Grace Hopper makes it sound easy” Computer Weekly 1969

An article from Computer Weekly 1969 features Grace Murray Hopper, who started her computing career with the US Navy in 1944. In this article Hopper is still a commander, but was promoted several times before reaching commodore in 1983.

One article on this page mentions a speech that the “Amazing Grace” gave to 200 computer specialists in London that week on how to influence government agencies and remain friends with the programmers.

The 'Woman to Woman' article says: "Above all, she is a charming and balanced human being. Someone who is delighted with the DPMA's 'man of the year' award which she is to receive next week in Montreal. Not being a feminist, she reads that word 'man' not as male but as mankind and this to an extent sums up Grace Murray Hopper."

Google are sponsoring a Women in Computing Gallery at TNMOC unveiled at Bletchley Park this month. Dame Steve Shirley was in attendance for the launch.

Two Google interns have been researching women in computing in the Computer Weekly archive and shared their findings with us.

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