How pay-as-you-behave technology could transform car insurance


Managing fleet vehicles

Managing fleet vehicles

DriverSafety technology can also have a significant impact on operators of large fleets, hauliers, couriers and field workers such as engineers. The fleet manager can see in real-time where his vehicles are and factor in changes to schedules benefiting productivity, fuel efficiency, staff working hours and customer service.


As of December 2012, gender-based car insurance calculations must be scrapped, following a recent European court ruling.

Technology is emerging which means that drivers, no matter what age or sex, could be charged a premium based on how well - or badly - they drive, putting them in control of how much they need to pay. This technology developed by telematics expert Trimble evaluates the way in which people drive by monitoring the manoeuvres made during a journey – so it will be able to detect harsh manoeuvres such as hard braking and swerving as well as speed.


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