
Regulatory compliance and standard requirements

  • May 18, 2018 18 May'18

    Use GDPR to propel business forward, says ICO

    GDPR is about a new way of doing things that businesses can use to their advantage, and cyber security is a key element, according to the Information Commissioner’s Office

  • May 17, 2018 17 May'18

    GDPR impact on Whois data raising concern

    The negative impact of the GDPR on internet domain registration information is raising concern in cyber security circles because the data is key to cyber crime fighting operations

  • May 16, 2018 16 May'18

    Most firms see GDPR as an opportunity

    A growing number of organisations consider the GDPR to be an opportunity to improve the way they handle data privacy and security, while leaders are using it as an opportunity for full business transformation, a study shows

  • May 15, 2018 15 May'18

    Cage director Rabbani heads for Supreme Court after appeals court rules password demands lawful

    Muhammad Rabbani, director of campaigning group Cage, will appeal to the Supreme Court after Court of Appeal rules that police did not act unlawfully by demanding his computer and mobile phone passwords under Section 7 of the Terrorism Act

Data Center
Data Management