Can Microsoft make Surface Pro 3 the best tablet for BYOD?


Surface Pro 3: Google's response

Source:  Divide

While Microsoft was launching the Surface Pro 3, Google made a small, but significant acquisition. It acquired a company called Divide, which specialises in BYOD software. Divide's software effectively gives Google the ability to segment a physical device allowing IT departments to ensure corporate and personal apps and data remain separated and secure.

Given Google's dominance with the Android tablet operating system, and Microsoft's commitment to the enterprise, it is very likely Microsoft devices will go head-to-head with Android powered tablets for large-scale rollouts. Divide's MDM tool is also cross-platform and costs $60 per user per year, meaning Microsoft will also need to flesh out its cross-platform MDM strategy before Google Enterprise integrates Divide.

In the next slide we assess how the Surface Pro 3 fits into corporate IT >>

Going after Apple >>


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