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Dutch government must facilitate and coordinate a broad eID system

This article is part of the CW Benelux issue of February-April 2020
The Dutch Cyber Security Council (Cyber Security Raad – CSR) wants the government to better protect its citizens and businesses by making secure logins more widely available. According to the CSR, the government has a facilitating and coordinating role in this respect. While the government’s current eID programme focuses primarily on the government domain, the Council would like to see the eID system broadened so that users enjoy the same facilities and protection everywhere, both in the private and public domain. The CSR is a Dutch national and independent strategic advisory body to the government and the business community on cyber security in the Netherlands and is made up of high-level representatives from the public, private and scientific sectors. The body recently presented the advisory report entitled Towards a secure eID system, to Minister Knops of the interior and kingdom relations, State Secretary Keijzer of economic affairs and climate, and Minister Grapperhaus of justice and security. Developments in the digital ...
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