Oracle: Five guaranteed cost-saving initiatives


Oracle licensing tip: Show that you’re in control to avoid audits

Source:  Thinkstock

Ian Armstrong, key accounts director, iQuate, says: "Don’t just defend audits, prevent them entirely by showing Oracle you have complete control and visibility of your Oracle deployment position. When you’re in a position of control, you’re far less likely to get audited. Use automated solutions to monitor your usage in real time and enable ongoing optimisation and licence harvesting."

In particular, he recommends Oracle admins ensure they are  in control of Oracle’s infamous "processor cores" – a major point of contention when it comes to Oracle licensing – and track how Oracle software is deployed (physical, virtual, clusters)  in order to optimise the IT  estate to achieve cost savings and to prevent getting burned in the future.

"Remember that if you rely on using scripts and spreadsheet-based processes, you’re waving a red rag to a bull," warns Armstrong.

The ITAM Review is running an Oracle licensing seminar on Friday 21 November -

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