Court cases that stormed the technology universe in 2012


High profile court cases that shook the technology world this year

The first half of the year 2012 will be remembered, along with prolonged economic uncertainty, for a few high profile court cases that dominated the technology business scene worldwide.

Till a few years ago, Microsoft's antitrust case was the one of the few high profile court cases involving a top IT vendor. But in the recent past several technology giants are seen involved in court cases, some regarding competition laws, while some in plain old licensing tussles and contract breaches.

We have listed here the high profile court cases that rattled the technology world in the first half of the year 2012. While the partial verdicts have already come in some cases, most of these conflicts continue to be caught in the legal quagmire.

Know about these high profile court cases that will influence the way technology is created, acquired, and used for business.


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