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Extreme Networks simplifies retail cloud networks

New turnkey network solutions give retail chains and franchises ability to automate set-up and management of network connectivity with large scale

Cloud-driven networking company Extreme Networks has announced the availability of curated cloud technology packages designed to remove the cost and complexity associated with selecting, buying, building, deploying and managing network services at retail locations.

Available under the brand of Extreme Retail Select Solutions, the products are based on Extreme’s experience in working with retail customers, and packages are optimised for the unique needs of the retail sector. They are attributed with providing IT teams with all of the elements they need to deliver seamless connectivity with the same level of customer service, convenience and personalisation that is available online.

The package includes a dedicated retail cloud environment and pre-selected hardware and services elements, giving merchants the ability to quickly and remotely deploy and support all retail stores from anywhere. With a turnkey solution, customers are said to be able to automate new store setup, maximise operational efficiencies and deliver consistent services and experiences at scale so they can advance.

Customers can choose from six configurations based on requirements for essential connectivity or for high-performance, evolved environments. Key features include:

  • Tools necessary to connect customers, employees and point-of-sale (POS) devices safely and securely; access to a dedicated retail cloud – ExtremeCloud IQ for Retail – packaged with Wi-Fi 6 access points, PoE switches and SD-WAN routers;
  • An analytics and insights dashboard offers pervasive client and network visibility for all shoppers, devices, applications, and IoT devices, along with comparatives for how stores are performing relative to other locations;
  • Third-generation cloud capabilities, cloud-agnostic service integration, data retention of 13 months for historical look-back and year-over-year comparison, and open application programming interfaces;
  • PCI security compliance.

“Every retailer understands the need to digitally transform to advance – but they don’t always know where to start,” commented Mike Leibovitz, senior director of product management at Extreme Networks.

“Extreme Retail Select packages meet retailers wherever they are on their transformation journey – whether that’s just starting to provide guest Wi-Fi and wireless POS, or if it’s implementing computer vision and smart shelves. We’re giving customers a flexible, cloud-driven platform that meets their fundamental IT needs, simplifies purchase and deployment, and enables next-generation customer experiences.”

Extreme Retail Select packages are available now via Extreme resellers.

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