Telefonica Digital forms security group Eleven Paths

The business division of mobile operator Telefonica launches Eleven Paths, an independent company working on security issues in the workplace

A new company has been formed within Telefonica’s business division to help address growing concerns around corporate security.

Eleven Paths will sit with Telefonica Digital, which has its headquarters in London, but operate as an autonomous startup – something its parent hopes will encourage fast-moving development and innovation.

The staff will be made up of experts from former Spanish security firm Informatica 64, including its founder Chema Alonso (pictured), who will take on the role of CEO.

Although no specific products have been associated with the new firm yet, it promised to build security around the major themes of bring your own device (BYOD), cloud computing and social media within a corporate environment.

“We want to radically change the way companies provide security services to customers and big corporations,” said Alonso. “The digital world is changing the rules and security services need to adapt to this new challenge very fast.”

Matthew Key, CEO of Telefónica Digital and Alonso’s new boss, added: “As more and more data is held and accessed in the cloud and through an ever increasing number of devices, the integrity of this data is critical as threats become more sophisticated.

“In Chema and his team, we have world leaders in information security who bring the necessary skills in this area to reflect the nature of the market and bring the right solutions to our customers.”


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