Welcome to Windows 10


Welcome to Windows 10: Software updates

Source:  Fotolia/Rob Hyrons

Among the biggest changes Microsoft has made in Windows 10 is continuous updates to the OS code, mirroring the update that users of iOS and Android devices are accustomed to. But this approach may well cause IT departments plenty of headaches if they are not ready to roll out the updates.

As a result Microsoft has introduced what is called Long Term Service Branch, which is similar to the situation IT administrators have today with Patch Tuesday. In other words, Microsoft will only issue security patches in this branch

In a blog post, Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft said the company's long term service branch was not ideal in the fast-paced world of tablet computing, where devices are refreshed regularly.  "People at work expect the same Windows innovations which are being delivered to their Windows consumer devices. We have been working with IT professionals all over the world to design new capabilities in Windows Update, designed for end-user devices within businesses."

Meyerson said Windows 10 Update for Business offers

  • Distribution rings, where the IT Pro can specify which devices go first in an update wave, and which ones will come later (to ensure any quality kinks are worked out).
    Maintenance windows, where the IT Pro can specify the critical timeframes when updates should and should not occur.
  • Peer to peer delivery, which IT can enable to make delivery of updates to branch offices and remote sites with limited bandwidth very efficient.
  • Integration with your existing tools like System Center and the Enterprise Mobility Suite – so that these tools can continue to be that ‘single pane of glass’ for all of your systems management.

Windows 10: Our verdict >>


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