Windows 10: Microsoft gets serious on upgrades


Windows 10 preview: Free upgrade from Windows 7 & 8

Source:  Microsoft

Microsoft is targeting Windows 10 at the majority of businesses that are still on Windows 7, and have no intention to use Windows 8. From a business perspective, the OS is available on multiple platforms from 8” tablets to Windows smartphones, hybrid devices and laptops and PCs.

Terry Meyerson, executive vice president of the operating systems group at Microsoft, said: “From first year, we will offer a free upgrade for all devices running Windows 8.1, a free upgrade for all devices running Windows Phone 8.1 and free upgrade from Windows 7.”

He said the company would sell Windows 10 as Windows as a service rather than a new version.While enterprises will have the ability to support older branches of the Windows 10 code, presumably tied to legacy support, for most business users and consumers Meyerson said their PCs would be direct directly connected to Windows Update to receive updates and new functionality.

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