Avon Rubber implements Sage ERP X3


Mike DePasquale, group enterprise systems manager at Avon Rubber

Source:  Caroline Baldwin

Mike DePasquale, group enterprise systems manager at Avon Rubber said that when looking for an ERP system the company needed one that could run on all of its sites globally.

“Dairy and protection doesn't have a lot in common,” he said. “And we needed a system which would work well with both sides of business and be flexible.”

Other requirements was that the system would be muli-language and work with multiple different currencies. “We needed seamless intercompany and intra-divisional processing. We didn’t want to renter data.”

Avon Rubber also needed its ERP system to be scalable and grow as the business does. Other bonus features included integrated workflow and alerts, to stop the business relying on email, and for it to be easy to maintain.

“It needed to be easy on users and the IT department,” said DePasquale. “We have a small IT staff considering the size of company.”

After a competitive tender which looked at Microsoft Dynamics, SAP and others, it narrowed its selection down to Sage and Microsoft.

“To be honest, there were lot of things both packages had, but it came down to software vendor and reseller relationships and who we felt most comfortable with,” said DePasquale.

Avon Rubber now uses Sage’s ERP X3 system out of the box, using 95% of the standard code.

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