
IT strategy

  • September 08, 2011 08 Sep'11

    Nike+ problems demonstrate the risk of social media success

    The rewards for creating a customer-focused online community are huge. But success comes at a price, as recent issues encountered by Nike's Nike+ running site illustrate. Matt Scott investigates.

  • September 07, 2011 07 Sep'11

    CIO interview: Mike Bracken, UK government director of digital

    Whitehall is not exactly known for being at the bleeding edge of technological innovation. But as the newly appointed government director of digital, Mike Bracken is set to change that perception. In an exclusive interview, he discusses the ...

  • September 07, 2011 07 Sep'11

    DigiNotar certificate authority breach: Why it matters

    There has been much speculation around the identity and motive of the hacker who was able to breach DigiNotar and issue fraudulent digital certificates for hundreds of websites, but putting such speculation aside, what is the broader significance of...

  • September 02, 2011 02 Sep'11

    Two men arrested in UK as police investigate Anonymous and LulzSec hacking activities

    Two more people have been arrested inthe ongoing crackdown on hacktivist groups Anonymous and Lulz Security (LulzSec). The Metropolitan Police's Central e-Crime Unit arrested two men in South Yorkshire and Wiltshire for conspiring to commit offences...

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