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WM5G expands 5G remit to address challenges in urban settings
Growing 5G hothouse in UK’s industrial heartland announces new education events designed to explore the possibilities and opportunities that next-generation infrastructures can bring to urban settings
Just over two weeks after being awarded £2.4m in funding through the UK government’s Future Radio Access Network competition to boost the development of 5G, network accelerator West Midlands 5G (WM5G) has a new event programme to explore how 5G can address challenges in the built environment.
In this latest development, How 5G will change our lives forever, and what it means for your business, WM5G has worked with a range of partners, local authorities and mobile network operators across the region to develop trials that showcase the benefits of 5G and increase uptake across the region.
In 2020, the West Midlands was ranked the best-connected region in the UK, coming in top position in Umlaut’s Audit report of 5G coverage in the UK. Yet even though 5G promises significant advantages over other networks, WM5G notes that there are still many challenges that lie ahead in the deployment of 5G in urban environments.
The virtual programme will feature a range of talks from sector experts to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) understand how 5G and other advanced connectivity tools can be used to find solutions to current and future sector challenges.
A range of experts from WM5G and wider organisations will be providing insight into the practical ways in which 5G can tackle key challenges faced in the built environment, by transforming functionality and opportunities across transport, healthcare and manufacturing sectors.
Experts from WM5G will be joined by UK provider of networking and development insights events in the construction and property industry, Built Environment Networking (BEN), and other leading sector organisations, including Tony Sceales, head of programme development at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), who will be reflecting on the current state of 5G in the UK and how it will transform people’s lives.
Attendees will also learn from the key challenges, opportunities and innovations found in the 5PRING construction, transport and smart cities programmes, with discussions with experts from partners Clarke Telecom, Galliford Try, Wolverhampton Council and the Black Country Consortium.
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Neil Carter, previously chief technology officer of IoT Foundry, will also be on hand to talk all things 5G and the internet of things, alongside Sunny Claire, senior business growth specialist at Enterprise Europe Network, who will be outlining the funding and business support opportunities available to SMEs.
“We are very much looking forward to exploring the possibilities and opportunities that 5G can bring to urban settings,” said Rhys Enfield, director of infrastructure acceleration at WM5G.
“By breaking down the barriers to implementing advanced connectivity tools like 5G, we are helping businesses to realise the benefits of the technology, with over 50 tested and proven transformational use cases in infrastructure, transport, manufacturing and healthcare.”
The event will take place across two days, on Tuesday 8 and 15 February 2022, and is fully funded by the European Regional Development Fund. It is free to attend for qualifying SMEs.