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Next generation of collaboration and communication services

This article is part of the MicroScope issue of June 2022
Secure connectivity and cloud have been at the core of enterprises’ needs for a number of years – and will be for the foreseeable future. Yet within connectivity, communications systems to address future needs are evolving – and quickly. As far as IT and communications are concerned, businesses have had to come to terms with the harsh realities of the post-Covid working world. The hybrid model will need to be accommodated indefinitely and the so-called third workplace will be a top priority for many. This will have big ramifications for how IT teams need to discharge their responsibilities and the communications infrastructures that will form the bedrock of their businesses. With all the broad technology shifts that have taken place during the pandemic, networked resources have become most vital. Investment in cloud resources and modernising user computing and experience management is necessary to bring about greater IT and business alignment. With the continued demand for conferencing services, communications platforms, ...
Features in this issue
The importance of face-to-face
The pandemic denied the channel the chance to see customers and each other and raised the question: how important is that in the digital age?
Next generation of collaboration and communication services
Future comms systems may look and feel rather different from what exists today – we look at the journey for communications services