Nine must-have OSINT tools


3. Metagoofil

Metagoofil is a very powerful OSINT information gathering tool, developed by Edge Security. In essence, Metagoofil is used to extract metadata from the target. It supports various file types, including pdf, doc, xls and ppt. This open source intelligence tool can also be used to extract MAC addresses from these files, thus giving the attacker a fair idea of what kind of network hardware is being used at the target installation. In tandem with the instincts and intelligence of the attacker, Metagoofil can be used to guess type of operating system, network names, and so on. A brute force attack can then be performed, once enough information is garnered from the metadata of the files.  With the metadata obtained through Metagoofil, it is possible to extract path information, which can be used to map the network. The results are displayed in HTML format.

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