Rugby Football Union joins software driven buying group


Compleat – Powerful online reporting queries

Source:  Compleat Software

Compleat – Powerful online reporting queries

The Compleat Detailed Review surveys an organisation's spend, capturing information at a line item level on all purchase invoices for a period of one to three months. The current prices paid by the organisation are then compared to the Buyers Group prices and extrapolated to provide an estimate of the annual saving potential.


The Rugby Football Union (RFU) has joined an online buying group and is using software to cut an estimated £300,000 of the procurement bill every year.

The RFU is the first member to join a buyers group from Compleat Software Limited, which was launched this year, and is using the company's Purchase to Pay software.

It uses the traditional advantage of group buying to get better prices and has P2P software to help ensure nominated suppliers, goods, services and prices are used every time at the RFU.

John Molson, Head of Finance at the Rugby Football Union comments, "Compleat Buyers Group will pay for itself through the savings made on stationery alone and anything else is a bonus."

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