Government seeks £3bn traffic management technology agreement

The government is putting in place a framework agreement for traffic management technology worth up to £3bn.

The government is putting in place a framework agreement for traffic management technology worth up to £3bn.

Users of the Framework Agreement will include the Highways Agency and Local Authorities, but it will also be used by central government departments, Quangos and executive agencies. The agreement will run for four years.

The Traffic Management Technology Framework Agreement is intended to make it easy for public sector bodies to purchase traffic management and IT for goods, services and solutions.

The technology will include traffic signals and ramp metering, electronic and interactive signs, traffic and vehicle monitoring services, parking and access control services, environmental monitoring services, national and urban traffic control, common database systems, traffic management research and consultancy, street lighting and traffic safety.

The government recently put out a framework agreement for local government software purchasing worth £500m.

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