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12 July 2022

NCSC CEO: Why we should run towards crises to elevate cyber security

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) CEO Lindy Cameron has spent her life running towards crisis after crisis. Growing up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles has, she says, “probably given me a slightly unhealthy interest in conflict and crisis”. Healthy or not, this interest has served her well as a foundation for a career that has spanned the world of national security. In stints spent at what was then the Department for International Development, the Foreign Office and the Cabinet Office, Cameron worked both in Iraq and in Afghanistan, where she ran the Helmand Provincial Reconstruction Team. “The unifying theme above all has been crisis leadership,” she says. “A lot of my international development career was focused on understanding conflicts and crises and leading through them. “The other theme I suppose has been systems leadership. I’ve often been in a part of the system where you don’t get to just assert your leadership and tell people what to do, but you have to bring people with you. “[In Helmand] I had a wide ...

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