Liam Maxwell named as first government chief technology officer

Liam Maxwell becomes the first Whitehall CTO, in the latest stage of a major shake-up of the government IT leadership organisation

Liam Maxwell, formerly the deputy government CIO, has been appointed as the first Whitehall chief technology officer (CTO), in the latest stage of a major shake-up of the government IT leadership organisation.

As revealed last week by Computer Weekly, Maxwell will now report to Mike Bracken, the executive director of the Government Digital Service, whose remit is being expanded to include Maxwell's IT reform group.

The Cabinet Office said in a statement that in his new role, the CTO will "support the network of departmental Digital Leaders created by the Government Digital Service in identifying the technologies required to drive the creation of new digitally delivered public services."

Government IT insiders have told Computer Weekly of their concerns that the reorganisation underway may dilute the drive for IT reform

But in announcing Maxwell's new role, the Cabinet Office chief operating officer Stephen Kelly said the shake-up will strengthen the government's digital strategy.

"I am delighted to announce the appointment of Liam Maxwell as chief technology officer for HM government. Each department already has its own CTO or someone approximating to that role. Working together, Liam, government CIO Andy Nelson, the CTOs and Digital Leaders will form a powerful combination to achieve the transition to digital by default."

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