releases WLAN security megaprimer

The Hacker News (THN) has reported that the latest release includes a 4.2Gb DVD containing over 40+ HD quality videos of their WLAN Security Megaprimer.

The Hacker News (THN) has reported that the latest release includes a 4.2Gb DVD containing over 40+ HD quality videos of their WLAN Security Megaprimer.

These videos run over 10+ hours and start from the basics of wireless hacking, then slowly build momentum as the viewer is introduced to some of the more advanced attacks and hacks. The project has taken more than 3 months to compile and offers one of the few free WLAN security educational tools available on the Internet.

Slides are also available upon request, free to educators and at a low cost for other interested security professionals.

The DVD-iso file is available from a number of mirror sites, and has also been provided as a torrent. There are currently a couple of hundred clients connected to the torrent tracker showing active downloads from a number of countries. The Hacker News suggests that one of the target audiences is the Indian students who will be "tomorrow's Cyber Warriors".

The Hackers News is an online hacker news organisation who propagate news specifically related to information security threats, Hacking threads and issues from all over the world. With research teams who search and compile news from tens of thousands of sites to bring you the most relevant Cyber Hacking titles, THN also host blogs and discussions, education videos, as well as hacker news organisation providing education series in Ethical Hacking and Countermeasure Techniques and technologies.

The videos are of a high quality and provide a voice over and video with detailed explanations of every attack. Videos cover the WIFI basics of Bands, Channels, Beacon Frames and WLAN headers before moving onto Authentication issues, man in the middle attacks, WEP cracking, Fragmentation attacks and WPA2. Labs are included with a number of challenges complete with solutions.

Videos include command line examples from a linux operating system, and each instructional session is delivered in an easy to understand style. During a number of videos the presenter goes to great lengths to explain that using the methods discussed may be illegal in some geographies.

Utilities used to illustrate hacks are generally available and include Wireshark and AirCrack-ng.

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