IT in Europe e-zine: Data Management & BI Edition
The benefits of effective data management and business intelligence are many; so are the challenges. Get practical information and advice on data management & BI strategies in the IT in Europe ezine.
The IT in Europe ezine explores hot topics and issues that European businesses are currently facing. Take a look each month for in-depth European news and technical advice, ranging over storage, data centre and virtualisation, information security, networking, and data management subjects.
Data management and business intelligence (BI) are assuming new levels of importance, as organisations in both the private and public sectors pursue strategies to derive useful information – and maximum competitive advantage – from their data. The potential benefits of sound data management and effective BI are plentiful, and alluring – but there are also numerous issues to consider and challenges to be aware of.
TechTarget’s IT in Europe e-zine offers practical information and strategy advice for European data management and BI professionals, with regular features on BI and data warehousing, database strategies and data integration, quality and governance. Browse a directory of data management specific IT in Europe e-zine issues below, and visit the over-arching IT in Europe e-zine for the bigger picture.
Q1 2012: Making money from data: financial BI at work
Business intelligence and analytics applications within the financial industry, and finance departments more generally, are looking beyond performance monitoring and cost containment. Learn how a variety of European companies are using BI to analyse trends and find new business.
Also in this issue:
- Predictive analytics software is increasingly being used in the oil and gas industry to better manage asset maintenance on capital equipment. The goal: avoiding both equipment failures and unnecessary maintenance work.
- Master data management is being overshadowed by "big data" and other higher-profile aspects of data management. But MDM software functionality continues to advance.
Q4 2011: Analytics and the unhappy marriage of marketing and IT
Marketing analytics is proving a bone of contention between marketing and IT. As suppliers bypass IT to target the marketing department, which in turn is outfoxing IT in many organisations, how can customer data be best used to yield business value? And how can an entente cordiale be achieved between the warring functions?
Also in this issue:
- Risk management tops the agenda as European financial markets are rocked by debts and default risk. But is real-time data management part of the answer, or just a technology looking for a problem?
- Rethinking database strategy can help to promote business agility and other strategic business goals. As organizations take a fresh look at their database infrastructure, what are the options?
Q3 2011: Is Hadoop the future of enterprise data warehousing?
Hadoop is an open source software framework that enables large data sets to be processed across distributed clusters. Find out how the need to solve "big data" problems has led data architects at organizations such as Groupon and NYSE Euronext beyond traditional database and business intelligence technologies to Hadoop.
Also in this issue:
- Mobile BI needs to go beyond pushing static reports to smartphones to provide significant new business value. But European adoption is still at an early stage.
- Managing global data isn't easy: It involves country-specific values and numerous languages, many with special characters. Learn how to handle global customer data.
Q2 2011: Data governance key to MDM takeoff
Air France-KLM is looking to develop a sustainable master data management programme, and proper data governance has emerged as a bedrock prerequisite for the airline group. Read about the importance of governance as well as data integration and data quality as foundational elements of MDM initiatives.
Also in this issue:
- MDM programmes are gathering pace in more organisations, but a solid business case and high-level buy-in are musts.
- For parcel carrier GeoPost UK, the business case for investing in business intelligence was based on open source BI tools.
INAUGURAL ISSUE: Sentiment analysis at work
Marketing services company Mindshare and hotel chain Marriott International are mining social media to analyse customer sentiment. Learn about the benefits of their social media analytics programmes – and the issues they and other early adopters of the technology have encountered.
Also in this issue:
- Data quality isn’t as cut-and-dried as you might think. Read consultant Mark Whitehorn’s advice on finding, and fixing, bad data.
- Web startups Vungle and WinkBall are putting their database strategies at the heart of their online growth plans.