Healthcare cybersecurity risks and management
Healthcare institutions are rich in what cybercriminals want: sensitive data like PII and financial information. Learn the danger and what an effective strategy must include.
The news is full of cyberattacks and data breaches, and no organisation is immune, including healthcare institutions. In fact, healthcare is a prime target for cyber criminals. That's because of the valuable data their systems contain, like personally identifiable, credit card and banking information. This guide focuses on emerging cybersecurity threats to healthcare institutions what security pros should include when planning their strategy.
1Security concerns-
Healthcare security concerns
Cyber criminals are increasingly organized, sophisticated -- and successful. When attacks succeed, the results can be devastating for the targeted institution and individuals who rely on their services. Recent attacks reveal details that point up the need for an effective cybersecurity strategy.
NHS data stolen in Manchester Uni ransomware attack
The ransomware gang behind the cyber attack on the University of Manchester appears to have got its hands on an NHS dataset being used by the university for research purposes Continue Reading
No relief in sight for ransomware attacks on hospitals
Despite being off limits for some hackers, hospitals continue to be lucrative targets for ransomware groups because of their valuable data and higher rate of paying ransoms. Continue Reading
UK public increasingly concerned over NHS data sovereignty
Amid security concerns and AI advances, a majority of the British public still trusts the NHS to store and analyse their health data, but would prefer it remains domiciled in the UK Continue Reading
2Cybersecurity strategy -
Developing a cybersecurity strategy in healthcare
Effective cybersecurity requires a comprehensive strategy that considers, among other things, securing data kept on site and in the cloud. A disaster recovery plan is essential too. Because even a well-secured system will likely be breached at some point.
Government launches seven-year NHS cyber strategy
The new Cyber Security Strategy for Health and Adult Social Care lays out a plan for promoting cyber resilience in the sector by 2030 to protect services and patients alike Continue Reading
Define RPO and RTO tiers for storage and data protection strategy
We look at RPO and RTO in defining data protection and disaster recovery strategies and how to specify tiers that reflect the importance of different systems in your organisation Continue Reading
Unstructured data compliance: Obstacles and solutions
Stored unstructured data could be a black hole full of unknown risk. We look at the key dangers to compliance in unstructured data and some ways of mitigating the risks Continue Reading
The ins and outs of unstructured data protection
Protecting unstructured data requires a few extra considerations for backup admins. Growing storage capacity requirements and regulatory compliance are critical. Continue Reading
Backup in the age of cloud
The 3-2-1 backup strategy remains relevant in the age of cloud, giving rise to hybrid approaches that combine on-premise and cloud backups to minimise data loss, reduce downtime and improve redundancy Continue Reading
Rubrik Cyber Recovery adds plan testing, forensics to mix
To be released as part of its security cloud, Rubrik Cyber Recovery provides recovery plan testing, snapshot cloning for vulnerabilities and investigations of infected data. Continue Reading