Royal Pharmaceutical Society outsources to cope with restructure

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has outsourced the management of e-mail and storage to support a major restructure.

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has outsourced the management of e-mail and storage to support a major restructure.

The organisation, which provides services to pharmacists and pharmacies in the UK, has outsourced its e-mail, messaging and archiving to Bluesource. This will enable its 12 IT staff to focus on front-end business system work.

In 2010 the organisation split its regulatory, leadership and membership operations apart and created two independent organisations. This left the IT department with the task of creating two versions of its IT infrastructure to be run separately.

Andy Langler, director of commercial services and operations at the RPS, says the organisation did not have the resources to run two e-mail and web infrastructures as well as two sets of applications.

"Because of what was required we took the decision to outsource the back-office systems that were commoditised. This allowed the team to focus on frontline business systems," he said.

Langler said the RPS was already heavily virtualised so it was able to split the IT environment into two identical infrastructures before outsourcing to Bluesource.

RPS's information archiving and messaging environment includes Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Symantec Enterprise Vault and Blackberry Enterprise Server.

Bluesource's operations centre in London, provides proactive performance monitoring on a 24/7 basis.

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