Enterprise Digital Transformation 2018

27-29 November 2018 | Auckland

The market that most businesses operate in is moving quickly. Organisations now find themselves competing in an environment that looks very different from what it did only a few short years ago. For established businesses, remaining competitive means improving agility of the enterprise to be able meet the needs and expectations of their customers.

Improving the capability uplift of an organisation requires new ways of working, innovation and new technology. In other words, digital transformation. Unfortunately, 80% of digital transformation projects which take a technology-first approach fail.

The Enterprise Digital Transformation Conference (Auckland, 28-29 November) will bring leaders from a variety of industries together to identify opportunities to develop digital capabilities for better customer service, engagement and delivery.

Key themes include:
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
• Emerging technology
• Moving to the cloud
• Data innovations & digital transformation
• Cyber resilience and data protection
• Change management and digital transformation
• Customer experience and service design
• Digital identity and security
• Promoting a digital entrepreneurship & innovation culture

Quote VIP code CW-10 when registering to save 10% off you ticket price.
Visit www.dte-nz.aventedge.com for more information.

Data Center
Data Management