Cloud Transformation Online, A/NZ

10-13 November, 2020 | Virtual event

The benefits of cloud adoption are vast. But without a thorough look into its complexities, you risk getting exposed to issues around security, cost management, lack of expertise, governance and control, compliance, performance, and many others. Join Cloud Online ANZ, a free virtual webinar, as we explore:

  • Cloud design - Which providers offer the technical capability and capacity that your business requires? How can you control the hidden costs of cloud adoption? 
  • Data - Day Two focuses on showcasing how you can boost your organisation’s agility and ability to innovate by adopting best-in-class cloud data management approaches from industry-leading experts in Australia & New Zealand.
  • Security & automation - During Day Three, we’ll explore how to secure your DevOps workflow and dive deep into how to implement automation as a security strategy for your business.
  • Migration strategy - Day Four focuses on discussing how to select the most appropriate vendors to work with, and how to successfully manage legacy systems challenges.

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